Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight:

It was nearing dusk. The air was getting cold. Kiayo could feel herself shiver slightly. The two men that had captured her, on the other hand, were sitting warmly by a fire, eating and drinking. Kiayo bit at her lips nervously as she looked off to her side, hoping to see somebody, anybody, familiar to come and rescue her.

The young Uchiha's stomach growled painfully. Her mouth felt as dry as the earth beneath her. But she didn't dare ask for food or water. Her head snapped towards the two shinobi that had captured her. Beady Eyes was eyeing her. That froze her up. Her breath caught in her throat, and she quickly looked down at her feet.

Kiayo wasn't sure what was said, or what had happened. All she knew was the next thing that had happened was that her hands were haphazardly tied together. Her legs loosely, yet firmly, tied together. Kiayo may have been young, but she understood what this action meant. It was to keep her from running off. It was a useless action in her mind. Even she did manage to run off from their ever watchful eyes, she'd never be able to make it home.

In fact, chances are, they'd find her before she made it to the safety of the building village. Something else was said between the men, but she didn't listen to it as she was roughly pulled to her feet, and roughly shoved forward.

"Keep it moving. We have to get to our clan before your father finds us. Can't have him taking you back, can we?" The man who took her chuckled slightly, and shoved her forward. The bindings around her legs made it awkward to walk, but the looseness allowed for a little movement. The men continued on in silence. Kiayo kept her ears perked up for a hopeful sound, any sound, that could indicate that she's soon be rescued. That she'd soon be rescued, and this would all just go away.


"It's late. Do you really expect to find her this late?" Hashirama huffed slightly as him, Madara, and Tobirama took a short break from the constant running they had been doing.

"We strike when they're sleeping. I'm not resting just because you two can't keep up." Madara had his arms over his chest; fingers drumming impatiently against his sleeved arms as his dark eyes narrowed in the direction the men had taken off.

"Do you really expect to do any good if any of us are tired?" Madara snapped his head towards Tobirama, who had spoken for the first time since following his brother.

"I really don't need to be lectured by you of all people."

"Guys, let's not fight, huh? Let's just all get-"

"And I blame you for all of this!" Hashirama looked genuinely hurt by Madara's words. Madara just glared at him, and then looked off with a scowl." If it wasn't for your son, Kiayo would not have run off. She knows better than that."

"If your clan woman would not have left her eyes off the children, they wouldn't have had the opportunity to run off. Besides, if it wasn't Kiayo, it would have been Taro." The younger of the three stated simply. Madara narrowed his eyes just a bit more as he looked at Tobirama.

"And I bet if it was that kid that had been taken, we wouldn't be resting, would we?"

"Hey, guys, let's not drag the kids into this. They don't know any better." Madara said nothing as he looked off to the side again.

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