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 Chapter Thirteen:

"Papa Madara! Papa Madara! Look! Look at this!" Kiayo grinned widely, running into the house, waving a piece of paper around. Madara smiled slightly, raising an amused eyebrow as Kiayo stopped in front of him, holding out a piece of paper. Madara looked at it for a split second, and then looked up at the young child.

"Did you ace the test you've been busting your ass over?" He questioned with slight cheek. Kiayo shook her head, grinning wider.

"Read it!" She shouted happily, shoving the piece of paper into Madara's face. Madara blinked, and then took the paper, and read it out loud.

"To the parent of Kiayo Uchiha, you should be very pleased to know that we have nominated Kiayo for promotion to Genin. Offical test will be given in three days. Each applicant must create three perfect clones of themselves. Should they fail, they will be sent back to the Academy for further training until they are deemed ready for the test again." Madara felt himself beam with pride. It had been short of ten months since Kiayo had entered the Academy, and she was already eligible to move up in ranks.

"They're giving me three days off, but I think I should train. Taro is gonna train with Mito, and I wanna train with you." Madara smiled slightly, looking down at the paper, reading it again.

However, some fear crept up in him. Like the feelings he would often get when going on a dangerous mission. He looked back up at Kiayo with a slightly strained smile.

"This is entirely optional. You don't have to do any of this." Madara tried to keep his tone neutral, but he could hear the slight nervousness in his own voice. He only hoped that Kiayo wouldn't catch on to that undertone.

Kiayo frowned slightly, and shook her head when she heard the words. She was not gonna turn down an opportunity like this. She wanted it more than anything else.

"No. I want to do this." Kiayo's eyes hardened with determination. Madara paused, looking at her closely, examining her face for any wavering doubts, but when he saw none, he just sighed, and nodded.

"Alright. I think you should get rested, but we can fit some time to review this jutsu."

"Good coz that technique is like my worst one yet, and I really don't want to have to go back to the Academy when I already know everything else." Madara smiled slightly, reaching out, and ruffling her hair. Kiayo giggled slightly, moving out from his reach.

"So, can you train me?" She asked in excitement. Madara paused, and then nodded.

"Sure. Let's get to it." Kiayo grinned, excited as she followed Madara out.


The next three days, Kiayo devoted herself to nailing down the jutsu that always troubled her.

Despite Madara's advice about her relaxing, Kiayo chose to ignore him, and continued to work on the jutsu. She gave herself time to relax, if only because Madara forced her.

Once the three days were over with, Kiayo was excited to get to the Academy. Even if she was inwardly nervous, she compensated with pure, outwardly confidence.

Madara was amused as he walked her towards the Academy. Kiayo was smiling, and humming the entire time.

"You're really excited." He noted obviously as they neared the gates. Kiayo nodded, grinning even wider.

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