Chapter Thirty-THree

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Chapter Thirty-Three:

The next day, Kiayo awoke early. It was her day off, so she didn't have any missions, and Madara had given her a day of rest. She had decided to attend to her flowers, but when she found some of them already dying, she had decided to visit the flower shop to replace the dying flowers. So, she had rushed back home, where Madara was already up and gone, grabbed her coin purse, and then rushed into town.

However, when she reached the town's busy streets, she took her time. She leisurely looked at the windows of the shops, mentally coming up with images of her walking into the stores and buying whatever she wanted like she was some highly rich person, which always made her laugh at herself, but she moved on ever so slowly.

Kiayo was almost to the flower shop when she sensed someone following her. She tensed up, eyes narrowing slightly, slowing her pace. She didn't like being followed.

"You're the young child in Madara's care." Kiayo paused at the familiar voice. She turned to face Taro's uncle with her arms over her chest.

"He's my father." She said simply as she looked around the white haired man."Where's Taro?" She questioned, looking back at Tobirama.

" In the shop with his mother. I'm not one for shopping, so I stepped outside the shop." He gestured towards the store they were standing in front of.

Kiayo glanced over, looking in some amusement as Mito seemed to reprimand her daughter about something while Taro looked like he was desperately trying to calm his brother. Hashirama was also in there, trying to calm his upset wife.

"I see." Kiyao said, clearing her throat as she looked at Tobirama.

There was silence between the two for a few moments. Kiayo was normally respectful towards adults, but she was usually familiar with those adults. Those were adults she was usually around, and knew personally. While Kiayo may have known Mito and Hashirama, for obvious reasons, she was never really around Tobirama enough to be comfortable. Not to mention all the times Madara warned her to stay away from him, she couldn't help but to be suspicious of Tobirama.

"I don't normally see you by yourself." He inquired again, sounding much like a detective trying to gain the truth from a suspect. Kiayo wasn't too sure she liked the tone at all.

"I'm just buying some flowers for my dad." She answered, trying to keep her tone civil. Despite him making her uncomfortable, Kiayo wouldn't be disrespectful towards an adult. She wasn't taught that way. Tobirama looked confused, eyebrows drawn together.

"You are buying flowers for Madara?" He questioned, his red eyes narrowing just the slightest, making Kiayo feel as if she were being appraised. It made her hesitate before answering, which she knew must have been a mistake on her part.

"...Yes..." She answered simply, looking away. Tobirama looked at her with a hard expression. He wasn't that stupid to not recognize an obvious lie, but he wasn't going to call her out on it.

"I was wondering where you went off to." Hashirama said with a chuckle as he stepped outside the shop, looking between the two. Kiayo looked over at Hashirama, relaxing just the slightest."Kiayo, it's a surprise to see you." The young Uchiha nodded, glancing warily at Tobirama who was watching her like he was trying to figure her out. She didn't particularly like the expression.

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