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Zayn's Pov
I sat there crying. One minute I was in school, the next minute I was being carried to the hospital.Why did this have to happen? Why me? Where am I going to go? I'm sitting at the hospital alone. My mom just died because she got hit by a drunk driver while walking to work. I have nobody now, we didn't get time to spend together. She was always working to make sure that I have everything that I need. I love her and now I am alone with nowhere to go. A police officer walked up to me. "Hello, my name's officer Jason can you tell me your name?" the officer said, I don't want to talk anybody right now but I guess I don't have a choice. "My name's Zayn." I muttered out. "And how are you related to the accident victim Zayn." the officer asked. "I'm h-her s-s-son." I managed to get out in between sniffles. "Do you have any relatives?" he questioned again. "No." I answered. "What about your father? Where is he?" Jason asked. That made me fly into a rage. "I don't have one!" I sort of shouted. "Is he alive?" Jason asked me again. "To the world. Yes. To me no." I said full of anger and hate. "And what's his name?" the officer asked. Does he not get the point that I don't want to talk to about this. "I don't know." I lied. "Are you sure?" Jason questioned with a raised eyebrow. "And please don't lie." I sighed. "His name is Liam."  "And his last name?" he asked. "If I tell you will you stop questioning me about him?" I said with annoyance in my voice. "Yes," he promised. "His name is Liam Payne," I said spitting his name out in hatred. "Liam Payne as in the music producer?" Jason asked. I rolled my eyes of course everybody had to know him. I simply replied with a yes and got up and walked into the bathroom where I cried my eyes out again. What was going to happen to me now? I dried my eyes and walked back outside wher Jason was still there. "Great news Zayn, we contacted your father and he's coming." Jason said with a smile. "What!" I screamed in a rage again. "Don't scream we're at a hospital and yes he agreed to adopt you so you're going to live with him now." Jason said causing me to start to cry again. He's going to adopt me. After all of these years, he's going to come to me now. He neglected me and he wants to take care of me now. Does he think that's going to get him publicity or something because I see no other reason for him to want me. I ran back into the bathroom and locked the door. Liam wants to come into my life now. What thinks that he has the right to want to be my father now. Where was he when three year old me was crying everynight because I missed him, always waiting for him to come back to me. Was I not good enough for him then? I don't want to see him but now I have to live with him. I opened my schoolbag and took out my razor. I pulled up the sleeve of my shirt and made a cut for all the time that I didn't spend with my mom. I made another one because I will never see her again. Another cut for not being good enough for Liam to consider me his son. And I made one last cut because I am going to live with the man that I hate. I ran water over the cuts and put my razor away. Cutting is something that I do often. I get bullied often and it just helps. I don't want to do it but I can't stop. I pulled down my sleeves, hissing when the material came into contact with my cuts. When I walked outside officer Jason told me that he's taking me home to get packed for when Liam comes. At least I wouldn't see him to day because there is no way that he can reach here from L.A. tonight. I sighed and followed him to his car and he drove me to my house.

Liam's Pov
I was in London this week because I had some work. I am a music producer and sometimes I produce my own music. It's been along while since I came here. The last time I was here was for Zayn's 5th birthday. I miss him and I wish that I could spend some more time with him. He cried so much when I had to leave after his birthday party and it broke my heart when I had to go back to L.A. but my career was ther and my new family that I love very much but it would be complete with Zayn. Maybe I should go see him later but I doubt that he will want to see me. I was brought out of thought by my phone ringing. "Hello," I answered. "Is this Mr. Liam Payne?" The person asked. "Yes, how can I help you?" "Your son, Zayn Malik." When I heard Zayn's name I began to panic. "Is he ok?" I enquired, I hope he is. The man told me about his situation, his mom died and he needs a guardian. I agreed to adopt him, I didn't consult Louis but I'm sure that he'll be ok with it, he loves Zayn. I hope but what else can I do Zayn is my son, my flesh and blood so I can't leave him alone. I'm going to stay the night with him at our old house. I hope that it will not be weird.

Zayn's Pov
I was counting on Liam not coming here tonight but he somehow managed to get here. I am going to be rude to him because he just can't show up on my doorstep saying that he cares. He's got to prove to me that he actually cares. I might give him a chance if he could give me a valid explanation for neglecting me. "Zayn," was the first thing he said when he saw me and pulled me into a tight hug. I would be lying if I said that I didn't enjoy that at least a little bit. That hug is something that I longed for all these years but how do I know that its real and that he actually cares. I decided to go on with my decision of showing him just how much I hate him. I pulled away from the hug while saying "Let me go Liam," I saw a flash of hurt in his eyes probably not only because I didn't want him hug me but also because I didn't call him dad like I used to do and I was right because he said,"you didn't call me dad. Zayn I'm your father and I've been waiting to hear you say that since the day that I last saw you. I know that you're hurt, I know that I am a lame excuse for a father but I love you Zayn all these years please just call me dad," Liam begged causing me to roll my eyes. "You're right, you are a lame excuse of a father, I don't know why you want me now but I will not call you dad ever again." I ran to my room and locked the door and started to cry. Liam followed me and knocked on my door apologizing multiple times but I wouldn't let him in because he doesn't deserve me. I made some fresh cuts and cried myself to sleep that night.

The next week
After spending an awkward week avoiding Liam he took me back to L.A. with him where I guess my new life starts. I wish that my mom was here with me because I know that she loved me. After we landed Louis picked us up from the airport where there was a lot of paparazzi taking pictures of us. It was sort if annoying. Louis tried to make a conversation with me but I ignored him. I don't hate him or blame him for Liam leaving me but I just wasn't in the mood to talk to anybody. But that doesn't mean that I don't hate Liam. When we arrived at their house well actually their mansion and they opened the door Liam's sons , Harry and Niall ran to him and hugged him and said daddy I missed you. That brought back memories of when Liam came to my birthday party when I was five that's the exact words that I said, it made me want to start to cry because I was sort of jealous because that wasn't me. I was his son and he didn't even visit me all those years. I waited everyday for the day when he would cone home and say that he loved me, he missed me and that he would never leave me again. I never wanted anything from him besides his love but I couldn't get it. I wasn't worth it. I had people reminding me everyday at school that I am just a waste of space and that nobody ever loved me and that Liam left because of how ugly I was. My mom was too occupied with work to notice how sad I was everyday when I came home and I don't blame her. I don't blame Liam either. I blame myself for being so worthless. I might as well forgive Liam because its my fault that he left. Only my fault. I didn't realized that tears started to fall from my face until Louis said,"Zayn, what's wrong darling," I simply dried my tears and asked where I would be sleeping. Niall and Harry volunteered to show me my room and they grabbed my stuff and directed me to my room. Their house was huge and I will get lost here. After they left I sat on my bed and cried. I am seriously jealous of Liam's sons because they have the one thing that I want and that's Liam's love. My father. MY father not theirs MYYY father neglected me because he loved them. I don't blame them but I am still jealous. I was brought out of thought when Louis came into my room. "Hi Zayn, ready for lunch, why are you crying?" he asked while pulling me into a hug and wiping my tears with his fingers. This caused me to cry harder because that's all that I ever wanted, fatherly love. I felt safe in his embrace, even though this is actually the first interaction I had with him. I somehow ended up sleeping in his arms but I was happy.

Author's note

How was the first chapter ? I cried a little while writing it.

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