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Zayn's POV

After finishing my school work for the day dad and I decided to bake cookies.

I hope that he still isn't a horrible baker.

"Hey dad, since we need a recipe I should get my phone back so I can Google it," I said attempting to get my phone back.

"I know what you are trying to do Zayn and its not going to work." he said causing me to sigh.

After putting the cookies in the oven the kitchen was a total mess, I guess we both haven't improved our baking skills at all.

Dad handed me a cloth to wipe the cupboard while he mopped the floor.

At the same time we got a video call from Harry. "Hey Harry," I answer.

"Hi Zaynie, I miss you why are you covered in flour?" Harry asked.

"I missed you to and me and dad tried to bake something but you know how he is so he made a big mess," I stated with a smile.

"Oh really, Zayn I can clearly recall you throwing down the bag of flour," dad said make me smile.

"You both are clumsy I'm the only decent Baker in this family what would you do without me," Harry said dramatically .

"We would be covered as flour as demonstrated," I said. We talked for a while before we went to bed.

I really miss my family back home.

The next morning

I couldn't sleep last night, I still have no idea why I'm in Bradford and not in L.A. with my family.

"Morning Zayn," I hear dad say. "Good morning," I mumble out.

"What's wrong Zayn?" he asked. I sighed.

"Why are we here and not at home?" I asked.

Liam's Pov

We've spent a couple days in Bradford, the private investigator that  I hired said that she bought a ticket to fly out of L.A.

We should be leaving soon.

I walk downstairs and see Zayn looking a bit worried. I asked what's wrong

"Why are we here and not at home?" Zayn asked.

I started to slightly panic, I am trying to keep him away from her, he doesn't even need to know about her.

"We're here because we need to be here," I answered. It sounds stupid but it was all that I could think of.

"That's not a reason," Zayn said. "You don't need to know so drop it!" I said starting to raise my voice.

"But I need to know!" Zayn shouted.

"All you need to know is that I'm keeping you safe so I'm telling you to drop it!" I shouted.

"I have every right to know!" Zayn shouted. I got really angry this is the argument I had with the person who was closest to me because of her.

This is basically dejavu (I don't know how it's spelt don't @ me)

I let my anger control me, I never wanted to be in this situation again.

I didn't say anything I just stormed out the door leaving my son alone. Again.

I know that I shouldn't do this but the anger is controlling me. In fact bot anger alone but the betrayal and hurt I had to experience because of her.

I'm trying to keep my family away from her but Zayn is adamant on finding out why we are here.

Leaving him isn't the best idea. It definitely is a dumb idea. I drove to an old cafe where I used to come before Zayn was born.

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