Chapter 1

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After a certain amount of time, there comes a point when apologies and condolences all begin to blur together into a big mess of meaningless crap.

As I watched the sun hide behind the clouds, I got lost in its beauty. I watched as the whole sky looked as if it were set on fire, creating an awe-inspiring image.

And as I now knew that nothing was permanent in this world.

My attention broke away from the setting sun as a pair of cold hands enveloped mine. "I'm sorry for your loss, Mia." The voice said, urging me to look up. Hazel eyes, wrinkled skin, white hair. Another nameless face in the crowd of many.

The disgust I felt from the scene all around me was slowly draining my energy. My patience was wearing thin, like a rubber band about to snap.  The fake apologies were eating away at me. As if any of these people cared.  As if they knew them.

They shook my hand, said their piece and went away to their warm houses and happy hearts. I envied their ability to leave the sadness here. I couldn't do that. It followed me whenever I went, trailing behind me like my own desk shadow.

My gaze turned to my aunt profile. There she was standing with fake tears in her eyes, trying to act like she  really was sad. I felt disgusted just by looking at her, at the scene. I averted my eyes from her face.

I felt grossed out, appalled. I clenched my hands, my nails digging into my skin. I tried to hold it in just for the sake of my parents.

After the funeral, I went back home. The minute I entered, I felt the emptiness, loneliness. My gaze went to the beside-table where a picture of my parents and I was lying.

I picked it up, held it close to my heart and cried. I cried myself to sleep.


When my eyes opened, darkness surrounded me. I could feel the dried tears on my skin. I got up and went to the bathroom. I splashed my face with water and dried it with a towel later.

Just then, I heard barging voices from the lounge. I went out and saw my Uncle, Aunt and Madison, my cousin and Blake's sister.

"What do you guys want?" I spat out.

"Come on, can't we visit our dear niece?" My aunt voice dripped with fake sweetness.


My answer caused my uncle to clench his jaw and barred his teeth. A frustrated expression appeared on his face for a moment but soon he forced himself to relax.

"Come here, these are some documents which I need you to sign." My uncle brought the papers from being his back in front of me.

"And why should I sign them?" I glared at them.

"Stop being so ungrateful. Can't you see my father wants to lessen your burden by helping you take care of your father's business." Madison joined in.

"Who wants your help? Take these papers and get out of my house before I call the police!" I threatened them.

"Y-you!" I swear I could see veins popping on my uncle's forehead. This scene satisfied me.


"You are such an unruly bitch! No wonder, your parents didn't want to live with you and died." All three of them started laughing loudly.

At that time, all I saw was red. My eyes became slit and I clenched my jaw.

"Wipe your lips, there's little bullshit around your lips." I fake smiles at them.

At my reply, all three of them stopped laughing, their faces filled with extreme anger.

"I'd slap you, but I don't want slut all over my hand." Madison said, pride clear in her eyes.

"Why not? You already have it all around your outfit." I smiled at her, smugly.

"You bitch!" Madison came forward and slapped me. Hard. The impact caused me to fall down on the floor. Her ring cut my skin and I felt blood dripped from my cheek. I cleaned it with the back of my hand and laughed mockingly.

"Truth always hurt."

Just when, another slap was about to be delivered to me, a voice stepped in.

"What's going on here?"


And another part! Aren't I great?  #army, how are you liking this story? Do you think Jungkook's gonna enter the story right now? Anyways, keep the love coming!

Ayla 💕💕

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