Chapter 4

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After walking out of the class, I roamed about my new school. Finally, I found a quiet and desolate place. It was a beautiful garden. I couldn't see anyone there. I sat down on the grass and took out my phone.

I opened my gallery and clicked on the picture of me with my parents.

Our little family. I destroyed everything. The fake couple was saying the truth. My presence is a curse. I am to be blamed for their death. If I hadn't fought with them, mom wouldn't had to come to school to surprise me. I'm the real cause behind their destruction.

Tears began to flow from my eyes. I took a deep breath to calm myself down. In the distance, I heard the bell ring. I didn't realize I was here for a long time. It was the lunch break now.

I decided to eat something so I started looking for the cafeteria. When I didn't succeed in finding it, I decided to ask someone for help. I saw a girl, standing in front of me.

I walked in her direction and tapped her lightly on her shoulder.

"Anneongashaeho, I was thinking maybe you could tell me where the cafeteria is?" I asked softly, trying my best to be polite.

"Anneong, you are the legend girl from Mr. Kim's class. Right?"

I think that she was talking about my math's class so I nodded my head awkwardly.

"Now can you please tell me where the cafeteria is?" I was feeling really uncomfortable in her presence.

"Dabaek, I'm your huge fan. Mr. Kim is a huge pain in the ass. You put him right in his place." She said getting all excited.

"Cafeteria?" I asked once again.

"Oh yeah, mianhaeyo. I'll take you there." She grabbed my hand and started walking, I assume, in the direction of cafe.

She was walking so fast that I lost my balance and knocked into someone. Suddenly, I felt a hot sensation on my arm. I looked there and saw coffee stain on my sleeves and my skirt. My hand was hurt really bad.

"Sorry, I mean mianhaeyo." I apologised and looked up at the face of the person whom I just bumped into. To my luck, which is always bad, it was the guy. The one I was trying to avoid.

Way to go, Mia. Way to go.

I looked around me and saw that everybody was holding their breath. They were looking at me in pity.

He, the guy, didn't say anything and placed his hands in his pocket. He took out a handkerchief from his pocket and grabbed my hand. I felt my body stiffen at the contact.

I tried to take my hand back but he held it tighter. I looked at him in confusion. He ignored me and started wrapping my hand with the handkerchief.

After he was done, he looked at the girl standing beside me and said, "Take her to the nurse."

The girl acted fast. She grabbed me and took me to the nurse. After the nurse saw my hand, she put some medicine on it and wrapped it up.

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