Chapter 26

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"I'm sorry, I'm late." Mina apologised, getting out of the car.

"No, no, It's okay. You came that's what matters." I said, passing her a smile.

"By the way, weren't you with Jungkook? Shouldn't he drop you? Did something happen?" Mina asked while starting the engine.

"Yes, but you know how we can't remain in the same room for more than 10 seconds."

"I completely forgot asking you about your health. Are you okay, now? You know when we saw Jungkook carrying you, we were all so worried. Thank God, you are alright." 

"I'm sorry for worrying all of you."

"What are you sorry about? It's okay as long as you alright." Mina lifted one of her hand and placed it on top of mine, squeezing it a little.

"Thanks, for being there for me." I passed her a sincere smile.

"That's what a best friend is for." She replied.

"Best friend?" A strange expression overshadow my face.

"Are we not?" She asked me, a little worried.

I placed my other hand on hers and replied, "Of course, we are."

Then, we both looked at each other and started laughing. 

Soon, I found myself in a familiar surrounding. The same trees among which I was lost not too long ago. The same people I tried to avoid. I was, in the end back among them.

I took a deep breath and get off the car. I waited for Mina to get off too and together we walked forward. 

"When I got your call, Sooya was right beside me so, she kinda told everyone. So, just be ready for anything and everything." 

I gave her a look not understanding what she was trying to tell me.

I hadn't even reached the camping sight when, out of the blue I was engulfed in a tight hug. Since, the hug was something I really wasn't expecting so it completely took me off guard.

I tried to see who was it that was hugging me but I couldn't because the culprit was hugging me so tightly that my whole face was squashed into his chest.

"Umm... At this rate you're going to kill me." I somehow managed to squeezed out these few words from my mouth.

I guess he understood what I was trying to say because he immediately broke off the hug. When I was free, I took that opportunity to find out who was hugging me.

 When I was free, I took that opportunity to find out who was hugging me

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