Chapter 5

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To say that I was shocked would be an understatement. I was left speechless.

I just need to finish this all and that's it?

With a doubtful heart, I nodded, "Okay."

When I tried to pick up the fork, I, finally realized that my right hand was wrapped up in gauze. I couldn't eat with it.

When I tried to lift the fork with my left hand, it fell down.

What? Does he asked me to eat because he knew I couldn't?

Jungkook jolted up from his seat. After lifting some fries, he brought them close to my lips. My jaw hit the ground in shock.

What the actual fuck?

Taking advantage of my shock, he placed the fries in my mouth. I came back to my senses and hurriedly swallowed the fries.

I opened my mouth to say something when some more food was placed in my mouth. After that, I just silently ate all the delicious food. I thought that it would be better if I finished everything quickly because then I can finally run away from here without anyone stopping me.

When I thought that I was full, I stopped his hand. "I'm full." He placed the food back on the plate, took a tissue and brought it near my mouth. I snatched the tissues from his hand, "I'll do it myself." I cleaned my mouth with the tissues and stood up.

"Since I finished eating, we are even. Now, I don't owe you anything. Anneong." I sprinted from there with a lightning speed. When I was far away from the VIP lounge, I heaved a sigh of relief.

I'm free! I'm free! No more Jungkook.

Happy with the new situation, I made my way to cafeteria. Just when I reached there, the bell rang. I groaned and made my way towards my next class.

The time passed by and soon, school was over. I packed up my things and walked out of class. I went to the gate and looked for aunt's car. When I couldn't found it, I sat down and decided to wait.

Suddenly, my phone gave a ting sound indicating a new message. I opened it and saw that it was a message from aunt.


Honey, I'm sorry, I can't come to pick you up. Ask Ji Hee to give you a ride back home, Okay?



I replied back. I rubbed my temples to ease down the tension. I turned around to look for Ji Hee. I saw her standing at a distance, with some girls beside her car. I walked up to her and cleared my throat.

She looked up from her phone and when she saw me, a scowl made its way to her face.

"What do you want, bitch?"

I wanted to slap the hell out of her but I controlled myself to avoid drama.

"Aunt told me to get a ride from you."I told her, irritated.

"You think that your useless self even deserve to sit in the same car as me? No way, go find some fuckboy to give you a ride back home. Slut!" She said and started laughing loudly along with her friends.

She gave me a hard push and I fell down. All of them started laughing again.

You think you can mess with me? Just you wait.

When none of them was watching, I took a pin with a pointed end out of my hair and stabbed it on the tyre. I looked closely and sure enough, there was a small hole there.

This was just the beginning. When she'll come back home, I'll prepare some other gifts for her. I smirked to myself.

When I felt one of them noticing my presence, I faked an angry expression. I stood up, dusted my clothes and went away from there.

I guess I'll have to walk.

Thank God, my memory was good. So, I already knew where my aunt's house was. It took a lot of time and effort but finally, I reached there.

I hurried into the house. Although I was tired but I still went to Ji hee's room to complete my plan.

I took out green and purple colour dye from my bag which I bought from the store on my way back home. I mixed them together and made a gross colour. Then, I placed them in her shampoo.

After that, I went down and waited for her. I heard the door open and Ji hee's whining entered my ears. I rolled my eyes and pretended to be busy in my phone.

When I heard Ji Hee enter, I looked up and as expected she was soaked. I calculated that it'll rain soon. So, I hurried to the store. Just when I entered it, it started raining. Beside buying those eyes, I also bought an umbrella. Impressive right?

"This is all you fault, bitch!" She screamed loudly, hurting my poor little ears in the process.

"Really? How so?" I inquired.

"Your presence alone brings bad luck." She smirked at me, proud at her insult.

"Judging from the way that you are still here alive and screaming, I don't think so."

The maid standing beside Ji Hee burst out laughing. A small smile made it's way on my face.

Ji Hee glared shut her up. "You-"

"Stop barking and go away. Your presence is spoiling my mood." I waved my hand a little as if I was shooing a dog away.

"You-" She gnashed her teeth in anger. She stumped her foot on the ground and went away.

I fell back on the sofa and revealed a smirk.

Just you wait. I'll show you what's the consequence is for messing with me.

Soon, I heard the shower going on. After a few minutes, a scream vibrated in the whole house.

Mission accomplished.

"MIA, YOU BITCH!" Ji hee screamed loudly at the top of her lungs.

I started laughing loudly. I laughed so hard that tears were rolling down my cheeks.

I took my phone and went to my room. Since I was tired, I fell asleep at once.


Here's another chapter. #army thanks for the love. Keep on reading, voting and commenting.
Love you all 💋💋

Ayla 💕💕

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