Chapter 7

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I reached school on my new car, a black BMW. I just got it from my uncle and aunt this morning. I got out of it and entered my school.

The bell had already rung so I went straight to my first class which was Biology by the way.

I entered the class and saw that the teacher was writing something on the board. She was tall, decent looking woman in her early 30's. I never judge people from their looks because hey, appearances can be deceptive.

My eyes scanned the room and I saw some familiar faces. There was Ji hee, Jungkook and two more guys from the group 'BTS' whose names I think are Jin and Taehyung.

Just to make one more thing clear, I didn't attend this class on my first day so basically it's my first day in this class.

"Who are you?" The teacher asked me and stopped writing on the board.

"I'm the new student. Mia Ry-" My tongue almost slipped but I controlled myself. "Mia Park."

I bit my tongue and looked around to see if anyone has caught my slip up. Sure enough, there was no one who caught my slip up except one particular devil, Jungkook.

I looked into his eyes and saw suspicion in them. I kept my face neutral to avoid any more suspicion.

"As far as I know you should've been here yesterday so why are you showing only today?"

"Ladies problem." I kept my reply short and simple.

"Detention for you!" I clenched my jaw and tried to stop myself from saying something bad.

Detention? For having menstrual cycle?

I heard someone laughing. I turned my head and saw Ji hee with her friends laughing loudly. When she saw me looking at her, she passed me a smirk.

I ignored her and went to the back of the class. I took a seat beside a window. I took out my ear phones, shoved them in my ear and closed my eyes drifting into my lala land.

Suddenly, I felt something hit my head. I opened my eyes and saw a crumpled paper in front of me on my desk.

I looked around but couldn't find out who the real culprit was. I picked up the paper, opened it and read it.

Useless piece of shit! You should die!

I knew right away who the real culprit was. When Ji hee felt my glare on her, she turned around, smirked and mouthed out the word 'Slut' to me.

Two can play this game.

"Um.. Miss?" I called loudly.

The teacher stopped talking and looked at me, clearly annoyed at me.

"What?" She almost shouted.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" I asked.

"No." She said and was about to resume talking when I stood up from my chair.

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