Chapter 30

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Third person:

Mia and Jungkook reached the camp-site. Their hands were still hand-cuffed together, crowns placed on their heads. It wouldn't be wrong to call them 'royals' because they looked like royalty. Their auras resembled that of a King and a Queen.

On catching sight of them, the homeroom teacher stood up and smiled.

"I knew you could figure it out."

"It wasn't hard to figure that much out." Jungkook replied, his tone a bit prideful.

"How did you know that the clues were referring to that specific area?" The Homeroom teacher asked, a curious tone lacing his voice.

"I heard from someone that a fire broke out at that place a few years ago. Since the school always brought every batch of students to the same place every year for camping so some of the rumors were flying around about how there's a 'ghost' there. And also because Yoongi was continuously blabbering about how he wanted to come here and meet the 'ghost'."

The explanation seemed to satisfy both Mia's and the teacher's curiosity because both of them made an 'oh' sound in understanding.

Jungkook looked around, his eyes looking for something. Mia gave him a look as if asking what was he searching for.

"Are we the only one who completed this task?" Jungkook asked.

"Looks like it." The teacher shrugged his shoulders in reply.

"Wow." Mia had a surprised expression on her face.

"You guys can rest until others come back." The teacher suggested.

Jungkook and Mia nodded. Both of them walked up to a table, set a few meters away from the fire, and sat down.

Mia rested her head on the handle of the chair and closed her eyes. Meanwhile, Jungkook kept on stealing glances of her.

To him, she looked like a Goddess. Her hair spread all over her back, a few strands covering her face. The glow from the fire around them highlighting her goddess like features. She looked so cute that Jungkook found it quite difficult to stop himself from doing something rash that could anger his cute little foxy.

When he felt that his resolve was wavering, he decided to divert his mind. Not finding anything to do, he picked up his mobile phone and tried to busy himself with games.

Key word: tried.

His mind kept on going towards his little foxy's direction. Not being able to resist her charms any longer, Jungkook snapped a picture of hers.

The sound of the shutter alerted the sleeping beauty because instantly her eyes snapped open. She straightened her posture and looked in his direction with accusation.


"Did you just take a picture of me?"

Having been caught by me, his body stilled.

Taking advantage of that, I stood up to snatch his phone away from him.

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