Chapter 40

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W: what? it's 2 AM

D: You weren't there, but everyone kept making excuses on why they wouldn't go buy baking supplies with M'gann. So eventually, she forced me into going with her.

D: Key word FORCED

D: Therefore, since I didn't want to go willingly, I was. essentally adbucted right?

D: In conclusion, I can cross off "get abducted by aliens" from my bucket list

W: omg.

D: see, it's so cool right

W: no, I reacting like this, because why the heck are you thinking about this at 2 IN THE MORNING

D: hush. you're just jealous


W: the team was gathered in the mountain, and Kaldur pointed out how super peppy Dick can be, but also how quickly he can go from chill to 100 percent cyncial and mature in matter of miliseconds. So the Team went into this really thoughtful thing of silence, but I was laughing my lungs out becuase

W: just a few days ago, he came over to my house and I noticed his shoes were wet. So I asked him, "Bro, why are your shoes wet?"

W: and he said, "There was a puddle."

W: and of course I had to ask why he stepped in it

W: and he did this over-exxagerated sigh and gave this stupid smirk and said like it was obvious, "because it was a puddle!"

W: like I'm not denying the whole 0 to 100 thing, but he also very much the embodiment if sunshine

D: I'm assuming you meant to send this to Roy but thank you for the compliment

W: shoot


R: you sure Bruce won't have a problem with you flying the batjet

D: yeah no worries. It's not like when I was eleven

R: woah, what happened then?

D: well, I had just learned how to fly it, so Bruce set up this crash course for me to fly through but Wally was staying over so Bruce grudgingly let Wally join me

R: the first lie

W: okay, so I snuck on. But Bruce found out the minute the jet took off 'cause I was no longer in the chair behind the ones he and Alfred were in. But continue the story.

D: Anyways, Bruce and Alfred were in the Batcave tracking our progress and an hour into the flight, I randomly called in through the bat computer and announced, "This is your pilot speaking. We'll be experiencing some heavy turbulence shortly so please buckle up."

D: so at this point Bruce and ALred are both confused and super worried until I continued to say: "This loser beside me bet I couldn't do a 360 barrel roll. Bruce, I'm about to be about $20 richer."

D: Bruce and Alfred almost had a heart attack and I was grounded for like a month.

R: Did you do it did I do it though?

W: It was the best top notch 360 barrel roll jet flying ever done in history

D: *high-five*


W: I am the smartest person in this friendship

R: you had your hand stuck in a vending machine earlier this week

W: I paid for that granola bar. I am getting my granola.


W: so Dick and I were going for a joy ride in one of Bruce's more expensive cars and Dick was driving.

W: anyways, we got pulled over for speeding. Remember that Dick is still 13 not LEGALLY ABLE TO DRIVE.

D: FUN FACT: Gothan City Police Department has given Robin an official driver's license

W: shut up, your not Robin right now

W: However, the car we were driving, had tinted windows, and Dick had just come back from a office charity event with Bruce, so he was decked out in a fancy suit and tie and dark sunglasses. He was also sitting on like for phonebooks, so he was like supeeerrr tall.

W: He disguised his voice so it sounded super deep and he rolled down the windows slightly. I guess the officer didn't notice anything off, because he did the standard, "Can I see your license?"

W: And Dick being thirteen and not having a driver's license (excpet for the one the GCPD gave to Robin, but that won't work will it) clearly we are screwed

W: I'm freaking out, but Dick just calmly hands the police officer a lamanated peice of paper the size of a driver's license, "Here's my license sir."

W: the officer then says that the paper literally says, "I can do what I want." And Dick just smiles and freaking pushes the gas pedal and speeds away. I HAVE LOST TWENTY YEARS OF MY LIFE

D: I am amazing

R: you are crazy


D: Alfed and I were at a stoplight with the windows rolle ddown and another car stopped beside us. In the front seat was a mom on the pphone and she also had the windows down.

D: So she was on the phone and we could hear her saying, "Oh yeah, the kids are with me. Oh no worries. I'll get there on time. It doesn't start until 1 so I have time..." I guess she looks at the dashboard clock and and just screams, "SOCCER PRACTICE STARTS AT ONE OH MY GOD" scaring even the freaking pedestrians on the sidewalk beside her.

D: and the light turns green at that very moment, and I swear I have never seen a car take off so fast before because she was long gone in that .01 second.

D: Wally has the mindset of a toddler

R: okay

W: liar

D: oh yeah? Go ahead and tell Roy what you were doing just a few minutes ago.

W: I was doing a science experiment.

D: he was jumping piles of leaves to see which made the loudest crunch


W: I am very mature

R: both of you, absolutely ridiculous

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