Homesteaders to Greet

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The yellow rays of the sun shine through my window, shine directly to my eyes, the world telling me to rise. I open them, greeting the piercing light that wakes me from my slumber. I blink a few times to clean the clear film over my eyes that made my sight blurry. At first, I was confused where I was, and a sudden panic came over me. I was lying in a strange bed and was sleeping in a strange room, but then my senses came back to me and I remembered the events that happened yesterday. Drawing in a deep breath of air, I get up and walk over to the window, combing my tangled hair with my fingers. As I looked out into the forest of orange, I thought about how I needed an actual brush. Come to think of it, I need a few things of necessities. A brush, soap and a sponge, a nightgown, clothes, shoes and some food and water. Ah yes, but I am poor and have no money in my pocket. I at least need a nightgown. I can’t sleep in the same thing I wore that day.

I sighed at the actuality of me going to possess such items. After brushing my hair, I walked over to my side table and picked up a hand mirror that was lying there. I checked my face, seeing my dull green eyes staring back at me. I smiled, with my light pink lips curling at their edges. My hair looked fine and I didn’t find any dirt on my face, for now. I opened my door slightly, just having a crack so I can see out. I noticed that all the doors were ajar, indicating that Connor was awake. I then opened my door more, hearing a creaking noise in the hinges. I popped my head out and around the wooden door and looked around for any sign of Connor upstairs. I saw that it was vacant and so I thought that he was downstairs getting ready for the day. I walked down to the first level of the house and felt a wave of bashfulness overcome me. It just suddenly felt strange that I was going to be greeting Connor every morning like a couple would.

Oh goodness, what would my father say to this if he found out that I was living with a man? My father would march in this house and kill Connor! But I think my father understands my situation that I’m in right now and wouldn’t mind that I was living with a man. But would he approve that he was an Indian? A savage of the land, beasts in human form? That’s what my father always called them, anyway. Ah, I’m always thinking about my father as of late. I guess I truly miss him even after two years. When I walked around the corner from the hall to the kitchen, I saw that no one was there either, but this time I found a note lying on the cutting table. Curiosity struck me and I picked up the piece of paper and read it. It said:

Dear Miss Fields,

If you find this message, this means that I am out on my errand that I was going to complete yesterday. I should be home later tonight. I hope you slept well since it was your first night at a new place. I have made you breakfast and it is lying on the dinner table. I would like for you today to go around the homestead and acquaint yourself with the people who are living here with me. No animal work today, I will teach you all of that tomorrow.


I smiled at the note and looked over my shoulder to see what my breakfast consisted of. I saw a biscuit and blueberries ready to be eaten by a hungry woman. He really is taking care of me. It was nice that he was being considerate of me, but I also wanted to take care of my own self. I just feel like I really am going to be a burden on him after a while. I folded the note in quarters and tossed it next to my plate of food. I ate like a man, slouched over, using my fingers and not caring what food got onto my face. There was no reason to impress anyone since no one was around. I could act like myself and be myself. I enjoyed the early morning as I peered out the window from the dinner table and eating contently. Each bite of the food I was enjoying. The biscuit was moist and the blueberries exploded with flavor in my mouth everytime I bit down. As I finished up the satisfying meal, I put the plate on the cutting table, ready to be washed later on in the day. I grabbed the note and tucked it into one of my side pockets.

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