“Mikaela! How dare you worry your father like this!” My father’s face was turning red. I looked at my father’s figure and saw all the grey in his hair and in his beard and mustache. He still looked as strong as he did when we last met. His fists were clenched, the veins popping out of his forearms, and he approached closer to me. Towering over my small self with his intimidating glare, I got down on my knees.
“But father, I’m fine, you see? I haven’t gotten thinner and I’m not hurt. I’m safe, io prometto-” (I promise-)
“Zitto, ragazzina! I can’t believe you’d actually be so naive to go and live with a stranger when you just met them, and to say a man!” My father bellowed. (Quiet, little girl!)
His vociferous voice shook me, raising my hands up in surrender.
“But what other choice did I have then, my wise father? Did you want me to get eaten by the wolves? Is that the fate you wanted your daughter to have? It was a blessing for an opportunity to come to me so easily.” I argued back. Not listening to me, he bent down and looked at me in the eyes.
“Do you know the true nature of men, Mikaela? When they see a beautiful, young girl like yourself, they will try to pursue you. They will take your maidenhood from you for their own selfish will. And that is just us proud white men, but a savage? Mikaela, a savage?!” His voice startled me, causing me to jump. I even felt the spatter from his lips hit my face. His teeth were gritted together. “That savage will surely tie you down and force himself on you! They are not to be trusted!-”
“He saved me though, father!-”
“Even worse!” He stood up again and started to circle around me, like a dog marking his territory. I still was on my knees, my head hanging in shame. “He lured you in, and you were foolish enough to let him do so. It was a trap for him to get you alone and bring you to his home. He could harm you tonight, tomorrow night, next month or even for the rest of your living days!” He stomped his foot down. The vibration shook me, scaring me and making me quiver. I couldn’t take what my father was saying, though. I stood up, and I stood up tall with my chin held high in the air. My father raised his eyebrow at my sudden boldness. I gathered all of my courage and raised my voice right back at him.
“I am no little girl, I am una donna! And I sure damn well can make my own judgements. There is honesty and sincerity in that man that you call a savage’s eyes! If he didn’t care, he wouldn’t make sure I was comfortable in my new home, he wouldn’t cook for me, he wouldn’t have even saved me or given me the time and day!” My chest puffed out more and more as I yelled. (a woman)
My father shifted his jaw and glared down at me again. “Fine. I see that you are being stubborn and won’t listen to your experienced father. But I will ask you this: Lui e' un uomo misterioso?” He cocked his head to the right, studying my every move with a slight grin appearing on his face. (Is he a mysterious man?)
My eyes widened and mouth slightly opened. “Ahh.. He is, then.” He continued and chuckled under his breath. “Go then, my stubborn daughter. Live with that low life man, but I will tell you that you should be skeptical. Watch his every move and question everything.” My father turned away from me, walking without even saying goodbye. I tightened my jaw, angry at Giovanni, wishing that I never even spoke to him. I saw him turn his head over his shoulder to look at me one more time.
“I’ve raised you better than this, Mikaela, and you know that.” He hesitated, as if to say something else, but he turned his head and walked away. As he was parting from me, there was a knocking that I kept hearing. I turned around, searching for the sound, but suddenly I opened my eyes to the noise of the knocking that disrupted me at my door. I was gasping for air and blinking rapidly.
Kiss Me, Connor Kenway
Romance*** A/N 2/7/2022: Since the inception of this story 7 years ago, my writing style has evolved and changed during that time. Many of the earlier chapters will be under heavy reconstruction to match the style of my later chapters. I apologize for any...