Returning to a Haunted Town

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"Connor, I don't know about this now." I swallowed a lump down my throat. I was facing the gates that held my once home inside. I am nervous to go back in and show my face, the face that was humiliated when she was unsuccessful. The people will recognize me and they will come up to me and ask me why I am back here. The ones who were most jealous of me would make fun of me. Even with Connor by my side, I still felt insecure.

"I do not see why you are nervous. We are only here to buy you clothes." He sat on his horse next to me, his hood up. I didn't understand why he put his hood up, it hid almost his whole face. Who is he trying to hide from? Maybe he didn't want the people to know that he was an Indian. Well, I cannot back down now. We've come all this way to New York and I do need clothes. Plus I know I'll be super quick because I know exactly which stores I need to go in.

"Let's just go before I turn around." The wind blew against my face, trying to push me back to the quiet frontier. It's strange the signs that nature gives me, but I was already through the gates and galloped on my horse to get to the heart of town.

The moment I started to get closer to the townhouses, I already saw people staring up at me. Questioning looks and suspicious glances were being shot at me. Some even pointed at me, thinking I didn't notice. Others would whisper to the person next to them. The uncomfortable feeling of being the center of attention started to take a toll on me. Connor noticed all the attention too and rode his horse right next to mine.

"Do not worry about them, Miss Fields. They are all harmless." Connor tried to give me words of encouragement, but I kept looking ahead, doing my best not to notice everyone gaping at me.

Focus on something else. Listen to the sounds around you. Think of happy thoughts. Something!

I breathed in and out, hearing the sound of cold air rushing deep into my lungs and being forced out once again. The heartbeat in my ears drummed louder than ever. My mind wouldn't stop racing, making me become anxious and even shaking a little.

You're being ridiculous. Stop. You have to relax. Show these people that you are happy and still standing strong.

I cleared my mind as best as I could, breathed in again the sharp, crisp air, and held my chin high. We were only a few blocks away from the center of the town and I knew that I had to put on a tough face. I had to show that I am fearless. Why? Because my store and home were located there. Just across the street from it was the tailoring shop, which held many nice clothes. The stares became more like knives being pierced through me. I saw the shop owners from a distance were already looking my way. They were all wondering if I am back to steal their business, thinking I will take over the monopoly of town.

Once outside of the tailor's shop I dismounted and tied up the horse to the railing that was sitting there. Connor did the same, swiftly jumping off his steed and tying it next to mine. I looked across the plaza and saw my vacant home and run down shop. I can almost see the memories happening once again, playing back to where I would run around the streets or sit on the front stoop. Connor noticed me staring and followed my gaze to where it led.

"Is that where you used to live?" He asked, curious to why I was in another world.

Snapping out of my daydream, I stuttered. "Oh! Um y-yes. That is my home." I sighed out and shook my head. "Come on Connor. Let's go inside." I pushed the door open and heard the soft bell jingle as we stepped in. Marie, the tailor and owner of the shop greeted us with a big smile. Her wavy hair traveled all the way down to her hips, her golden hair shimmering in the dusty light that peaked through the window. Her eyes were a lighter brown than the common dark color, making the light glisten and shine in them. She was much older than I was. About thirty or thirty five.

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