~ Chapter Three - Raven ~

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I wake, with sweat on my palms, and my heart racing. I sigh. Why do I always have these nightmares? I sigh again. Slowly, I stand and walk to my dresser. I open my drawers and to find something to wear. I finally find a pair of black jeans, a white crop top, and my converses. I sit down in front of my mirror to do my makeup.

"Do you want breakfast?" Dad asks, pointing to the bacon and egg filled pan on the stovetop.

"Thanks, but no thanks, I'm not hungry." I walk to dad and give him a quick hug. "I gotta go, I don't want to miss the bus on my second day."

"Ok sweetie, have a nice day."

"I will," I reply. I grab my bag, phone, and wallet, and head out the door. The bus stop is empty, which isn't surprising, I intended to catch the earlier bus, I want to get to school early. My phone vibrates, and I look down.

"Hey! Are you catching the bus?"

"Yeah, the earlier bus though" I hit send, and glace at the time. The bus should be here soon.

"Okay. I gotta go. Meet me in our spot when you arrive."

"K. Bye. ( ;"

The bus pulls up in front of me, and the doors slide open. I walk onto the bus and sit down in one of the cushioned seats. The bus is only half full, but still has plenty of students aboard. It took less than twenty minutes to get from my bus stop to school.

"Hey Raven, I'm over here." I hear Willow's voice coming from above me, I look up, and find Willow, atop a branch from the old oak tree, that hangs over our bench.

"What are you doing up there?" I laugh.

"Just working on some sketches. I find it easier to draw in a tree, for some strange reason." She giggles.

"Can I see?"

"Sure. Come sit." She smiles, patting the branch beside her.
Willow has an art book in front of her, and pencil on her hands. I giggle at her, and she smiles. I look down at her sketch pad and see an intricate drawing of a beautiful dress, covered in what looked like lace and sequins.

"Wow." I breathe. "That's, incredible. Did you draw this?"

"Well, yeah," she says, blushing.

"Willow, these are beautiful," I say, flipping through the rest of the pages of the book. I see designs for dresses, hats, even a dog sweater. All of which are intricately drawn, and beautifully illustrated.

"But enough about me, can you sing something for me?" Willow asks, giving me puppy dog eyes.

"What? Me? Sing? Like, right now?" I ask, dumbfounded.

"Yeah, what not?"

"Uhm, because someone might hear me," I say.

"This is a arts school Raven, you're going to have to sing some time or other."

"Fine," I sigh. "What should I sing?"

"I dunno, have you written anything?"

"Yeah. I guess I could sing one of my own." I say, getting my lyric book from my bag. I open to one of the many songs I've been writing and sing it over in my head. "Okay. I've got one,"

I begin to sing one of my songs I wrote when I was fifteen, and by the look on Willows' face; she likes it. I smile at her, and she nods her head, indicating that she wants me to continue. Just as I'm about to start on the second verse, I hear the crunch of a shoe against leaves. I look down, to find - fabulous - Mr. Creepy. Well this is just fantastic, isn't it?

I hear Willow gasp next to me. Obviously, she saw him. I hear the leaves crunch again, letting me know he's gone.

"Oh my god Raven, that was Theodore Gray." Willow hisses to me.

"I realized." I sigh. Well, this is wonderful. Now he's going to think I'm a psycho and a wannabe. Great. I sigh. "We should probably get out of the tree now."

"Yeah," Willow nods, and we both climb down, branch by branch.

"What do we have first period? And where? I still don't know my way around this place, it's like a castle." I say, glancing at my phone - which I ingeniously set my timetable as my home screen - to find - yay - Biology. I hate, and I mean hate, Biology.

"Don't worry, Biology here is really fun, and we have a really good teacher," Willow reassures me, obviously reading the distaste in my expression.

"Fun? How can Biology possible be fun?" I snort.

"Don't worry your little butt about it, I'll help you. We can even be lap partners." Willow giggles, which makes me smile.

"Oh, how would I survive without you, Miss Eden?" I laugh, just as the bell sounds for first period.

"Come on, we don't want to be late for class," Willow grins, and we head off towards the dreaded class of biology.

I'm glad I have Willow in my classes, I know she's my friend, and she would be for a very long time.

We reach the classroom, and find students filing in through the big doors.

"Goodmorning class, please open your textbooks to page forty-eight." The teacher motioned for Willow and I to talk with him. "You must be Raven, my name is Mr. Mclymont, I'm your Biology teacher for the remainder of this year."

Uh. I hate biology. Willow and I sit near the back of the classroom, and open our books. I turn my head and see Mr. Creepy looking at me again. What is his problem?

~ Author's Note ~

Nothing really to say for this chapter, but I hope you enjoyed Chapter Four. How do you like our very own "Mr. Creepy"? I think I'm in love already :D. Anywayyy don't forget to vote and comment.

Lots of love
- RavenandSparrow

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