~ Chapter Six - Theodore ~

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Why is the new girl always catching my attention? I sigh. Slowly, I lift myself off my bed and stand up. Where is my bloody Phone? I pick my phone up off of the floor and unlock the screen.

Three notifications from Amali

Six notifications from FaceBook

I sigh again, and walk to my cupboard to get dressed for school.

"Morning mum," I say as I walk through the lounge room into the kitchen. She nods and smiles, returning to the television program. I make myself breakfast, and head out the door, towards the bus stop. The ride takes less than twenty minutes, and most of the day flys by. Before I know it, it's our sector periods. Music. Finally, something I enjoy. When first music is up, we have ppm (personal project music), so I head to one of the empty music rooms to practice god knows what. As I walk through the almost deserted corridor, I hear the faint sound of a guitar being played. I turn and glance through the small glass window in the door. I see the new girl sitting on the piano stool playing a guitar and singing. I lean against the wall and without even knowing it, I'm staring at her.

"What are you doing?" A harsh female voice breaks into my thoughts, and releases me from staring at the new girl. I turn slowly, already knowing who the voice belongs to.

"Nothing Amali. What do you want?" I say, crossing my arms. She can be a real pain in the ass sometimes. She looks around me to see the new girl, Raven, sitting in the room. She bites her lip in a way that makes my heart hurt. What's wrong with me? Stuff like this doesn't happen to me. Amali catches me staring again, and sighs dramatically. Suddenly, she marches past me, opens the classroom door, and storms into the room.

"Stay away from my boyfriend." She says harshly, popping her hip out to seem more attractive.

"Believe me, I have no intention of going near him." She replies, and continued playing her guitar.

"I saw you passing notes to him in class."

She laughs. She laughs. "If you were paying enough attention, you would have realised that Theodore over there, was the one passing notes." She points to me, and I smirk at her.

"He would never do that to me." She huffs.

"If that's what keeps you happy, then be my guest, be oblivious to the fact that your "boyfriend" is passing notes to other girls. Now if you'll excuse me, I have much better things to do." She smiles a not so sweet smile, and again, returns to the guitar. Amali huffs, and finally leaves. She grabs onto my hand and drags me away from the new Raven's gaze.

The bell sounds for break not long after, and I rise from my seat and head out the door.

The sky is a grey-blue, and white the wisps of the clouds hang loosely in the sky. I begin to walk toward the cafeteria, but I decide not to. I head down the almost empty campus, when I hear faint voices from ahead.

"Piss off nerd, you don't belong here." A male voice says, and I hear others chuckling.

"Hey assholes," A more feminine voice says. "Yeah, you guys. Leave her alone." I chuckle, whoever this chick is, she's tough.

"What makes you think you can talk to us?" A guy asks.

"Well, for one, I'm not afraid of you. And second, you're just the average douchebag males who think because they're at the top of the schools' food chain, they have the right to rule over the," There's a pause in what the girls saying, and I start walking forward. "sane population of the student body. Is that a good enough reason tough guy?"

"Look, let me set some'm' straight for you. You, are nerds. Nothings. And we are somethings. You see now?" The girl laughs, and I feel like I recognise it. I turn the corner to see three guys facing two smaller girls. I can only see the guys faces, and I automatically know who they are. I catch a glimpse one of the girls faces. Willow Eden. She's in my English Lit class. The other girls back it to me, so I can't see her face. Her black silky hair falls in waves at her back and her fists are clenched.

"You, do not, get, to laugh, at, me." he hisses into the black haired girl's face, a nasty snarl on his face.

"Get, away, from, me," She replies in the same hiss, shoving him away from her and into his group of friends.

"Oh no you did not just do that." He retorts.

"Oh but I just did," She retorts. Suddenly, he grabs the front of her shirt and makes a ball with his fist. I quicken my pace to reach the asshole harassing the girl. As I walk, I remember why I recognised the laugh. It's the new girl, Raven.

"What the hell are you doing James?" I hiss in a husky voice, when I reach them. James abruptly lets go of her shirt. I glance at Raven and see that her eyes are closed shut tight. She slowly opens them, and her face falls. I guess she isn't too happy to see me.

~ Authors Note ~
Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed Chapter Six. I decided to write it in Theodore's point of view, It'll make it more interesting in future chapters. Don't forget to vote and comment!!

Lots of love
- RavenandSparrow

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