~ Chapter Four - Raven ~

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What the hell? Why in the world would he be staring at me?

I nudge Willow with my elbow.

"What?" She hisses at me.

"Theodore - ten o'clock." I hiss back. Willow looks over at me, her eyes wide.

"Oh my god, he's looking at you,"

"Yeah, I realized." At that exact moment, the bell rang to signal second period. Willow and I get up from our seats and walk to homeroom.

"I can't believe he keeps looking at you." Willow giggles.

"To be completely honest it's kinda annoying."

"Annoying? Raven, one of the hottest guys in school has been staring at you all the time." She giggles, nudging me with her shoulder.

"If you haven't noticed, that's also creepy." I laugh with her.

"Come on, we better hurry or we'll be late for homeroom," Willow and I jog to homeroom together, which, - luckily - we have together. We get to homeroom, to see - what the actual hell? - Theodore, leaning against the door. Oh, my, god. SERIOUSLY? How could this day get any worse?

"Hey new girl," I turn my head, expecting to see Theodore's smirking face, but instead, I find a petite blonde girl, wearing high heels and a short purple dress.

"Uhh, yeah?"

"You're Raven right?"

"Yep, that would be me."

"So why are you hanging out with Willow?"

"Uhh, she's my friend."

"Well yeah, but you could do better," She says, and glances at Willow, "Much better, actually."

"Excuse me? Willow is my friend; my only friend at this school. And its more than likely that she's more of a friend than yours would be."

"If you say so,"  She replies, giving me a sour look. great, one enemy down, the entire rest of the school to go. But god some people can be real, asses, and she was definitly one of them. I look over at Willow and when I see her face, I want to punch that 'Princess' right in her perfect face.

"Don't let her get to you, she's a hag," I whisper the last bit, as to not draw any attention to the fact that I was insulting the queen bee of this school. "Come on, after this we have break, and we can just chill."

We head into the classroom and head to the back of the class. We sit in the two seats free in the back row and I glance around for Mr. Creepy and Princess Perfect. I turn to see Princess Perfect cozying up to Mr. Creepy. I should have guessed. I laugh to myself quietly and take out my books.

"Ok class, this period is for you to do whatever you want," The class whoops and whistles, "It does, however, it needs to be appropriate, and quiet." There were boos and rude remarks, but slowly but surely, the noise subsided, and the student start doing whatever they want. Willow and I decide to draw and write. My phone buzzes and I look down. A notification on Facebook.

"Theodore Blake has sent you a friend request,"

I whip my head up and look at him with my eyebrows raised. What the? Theodore gives me a smirk and turns his attention back to Princess Perfect, and I sigh. I elbow Willow lightly in the side, and she turns to me. I show her my phone, and her eyes widen.

"Ok. You have two options." She says in a low voice, "You can accept it, and I can watch and see if he looks at you, or, you can look at him straight in the face, and decline it." She says with a devilish smile planted on her face. I return the smile and nod.

"I like option two." I grin. And I do just that. I wait until he's looking over at me, I stare right into his eyes, hold my phone up so he can see, and without breaking eye contact, I press the decline button. He looks down at his phone, and to my satisfaction, he looks surprised. I guess he's never been declined before. I giggle and return to my songbook, a smile planted on my face.

The bell for first break signals, and the student file out. I make sure not to be in front or behind Mr. Creepy, but I also meet his eyes for a split second. I've played games like this before, I'm not new to this kind of thing.

Willow and I sit in our usual spot, away from all the other students and somewhere where it's pleasantly quiet.

"You have a cafeteria don't you?" I ask Willow, as we eat our food and giggle at all the ridiculous things people do.

"Yeah, but it's not very good. The food and the people I mean." She giggles, and we resume eating and making small talk.

"I still can't believe I'm here. It's crazy." I say breathily.

"Yeah. But I'm really happy you came. I haven't really had many friends in high school."

"I can't believe that Hag from homeroom." I say, furrowing my brows.

"Yeah, that was Amali Grace Mathews. She's a real, witch. Thanks, by the way, for, you know, sticking up for me back there, it was nice of you."

"I'm your friend Willow, stocking up for you is my job, and don't ever forget that I'm your friend, because I am." I say, and we return to eating our food.

"Well, next period is where we must part ways. I have fashion and art. Which means that you have music and I'm guessing you chose the songwriting period, instead of instrumental studies."

"Yeah, I did. How do you know so much about the music sector?" I ask.

"You'll have to ask Mr. David Eden." She says, smiling at me.

"Your dad is the music teacher?" I ask, dumbfounded, and she nods and starts laughing at my reaction.

"And guess who else is in the music sector?" Willow asks, a grim expression on her face.

"The Hag?" I almost shout, "This day could not get any worse."

"Well... sorry to break this to you but it is kinda worse. In a good, kinda worse." She says,

"Don't tell me, Theodore Gray." She nods, and I feel like melting. This is fantastic.

~ Authors Note ~
Well, there's not much to say at the end of this, except the usual vote and comment stuff so...

Don't forget to vote at comment! Hehe.

Lots of love
- RavenandSparrow

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