~ Chapter Eight - Theodore ~

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That new girl is going to drive me crazy. Her smile is adorable, and she's cute when she's angry. When I called her Feathers she was pissed, which just made the urge to kiss her even stronger. I have something seriously wrong with me. She's the first girl who hasn't fallen at my feet. Hopefully doing this stupid project with her will knock some sense into me.

After she walks away, I head to my car and get in. I park in my garage and unlock the back door. I smell food cooking and walk into the kitchen.

"Hey, darling, where have you been?" My mom asks, looking away from whatever it is she's cooking.

"At the park with a friend," I reply.

"Better not have been one of those girls you're always with. They're not very nice." She frowns at me and I chuckle.

"No mom, this girl's different." I smile to myself.

"If you say so honey," she calls after me as I walk up the stairs to my room. I open the door and sit at my desk. I unlock the screen of my phone and begin typing.

"Hey Feathers." I press send and wait patiently.

"Why are you still annoying me?" She replies and I chuckle. She stills manages to be adorably stubborn over text.

"So we'll talk about music at school?" I reply, completely ignoring her question. To be honest, I don't really know myself.

"If you say so Theodore," she replies, ending the conversation. I find it amusing that she calls me Theodore. Nobody does. I usually hate it, but I don't mind with her. I sigh. I'm going insane.

"Honey, dinner's ready,"


I wake to my alarm buzzing in my ear. I groan and lift myself off the bed and to the dresser. I hanged into clean clothes and fix my bed hair. I slowly walk down the stairs, following the smell of breakfast. Is it just me or does time fly when you're eating food? Before I know it I'm on the bus and heading to school. Raven's on the bus, which is distracting me from chatting with my friends. Alex had Brodie in a headlock, and Jess and Toby are busy having an argument - ordinary twin behavior. Alex has cropped blonde hair and a fit body. He and Jess are dating, which means that Toby is extra protective, we have no idea why Jess could pin me to the ground on a good day. The twins both have strawberry blonde hair and pale skin. They're identical twins, and sure do bicker like it. What's most surprising is that when Toby gets the right wig and fills his shirt with tissue, he looks kinda like a very masculine woman. But sheesh it's strange to see one of your best friends try to fit into a dress that is, well to put it lightly, not the right fit. Brodie is an average height seventeen-year-old, with freckles and dark brown hair, similar to mine. He, however, has flat hair that doesn't reach his ears.

I can tell that Toby is trying to include me in his argument, but I'm too distracted by Raven giggling at a boy telling her jokes.

"Don't be jealous Theo, you don't get jealous of anyone." I think to myself and sigh. The bus pulls up in front of the school gates, and we all file off. I smile to myself; we have music today. My smile grows the smallest of amounts; we're doing our group project. And the only reason I'm looking forward to that, is because Raven May is my partner. She's in for quite a treat.


The first two periods of the day were boring and uneventful, followed by two more excruciatingly long periods. The bell rings, and I smile to myself. Music. I head to the M blocks, past the photography and dance sectors. I finally reach the classroom and open the painted wooden door. I walk slowly to the back of the classroom and sit in one of the empty seats. I glance up when I hear the door opening again, to see Raven and Willow giggling. They walked arm in arm to the second last row. Raven sits in the seat in front of me, and Willow takes the one next to her. The teacher walks in, followed by the rest of the students. I turn again to see Amali skipping in through the door. She skips through the middle of the classroom and sits in the seat next to me.

"Okay class, for the next few lessons we will be doing partner projects." Mr. Evens addresses the class, and I smile to myself. "Go ahead and pick your partners." Amali turns to me expectantly.
"So I guess we'll be going together." She says and I sigh internally.

"Sorry Amali, I'm actually going with Raven." I smile, and I hear Raven and Willow giggling.

"Good luck girl." I hear Willow say.

"I'll need it." Raven reply's grimly, but then breaks into giggles again. Willow moves to sit with a blonde with glasses in the front row. Next to me, Amali huffs and begins to protest.

"Why don't you go with..." I glance around the room to see any unlucky souls who don't have any partners. "Vanessa." Amali rolls her eyes in a bitchy way and moves to sit next to Vanessa. Raven sits next to me and rolls her eyes playfully.

"So, Mozart, what are we doing for this almighty project?" She raises an eyebrow at me.

"Has everyone found a partner? Good. For this project, you will be composing a love song." Mr. Evens addresses the class. I chuckle, and I turn to Raven. I laugh even more when she moves her head and places it on the desk, she then hits it softly against the desk three times, and groans. I'm guessing that she isn't too pleased to be doing a love song with me. This is going to be more fun than I thought.

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