~ Chapter Seven - Raven ~

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I sigh. Why does it have to be me? Does the world really hate me that much?

"Thank you, Theodore, but I had that under control."

"Really?" He asks, raising his eyebrow and cocking his head slightly. He glances at my ruffled shirt and smirks. I huff and look away.

"Well thanks, I guess?" I say, beginning to turn away, but I feel Theodore's hand grip my wrist.

"Wait up, can I talk to you?" He asks in a strange tone. I glance at him but then turn to Willow.

"You should probably go, I'm really pissed off, and when that happens, I tend to throw things at people. And the closest things to me are you, and the Janitors broom." She smiles and nods.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do." I return her smile, and turn back to Theodore.

"I'm really not in the mood. What the hell do you want Theodore?"

"I just wanted you to know that Amali isn't my girlfriend." He says quietly.

"I don't care if Princess Perfect is your girlfriend, but thanks." I roll my eyes at him and begin to walk away. The bell sounds and I walk arm in arm to the bus stops with Willow.


The bus pulls up in front of me, and I board it. I take the only remaining seat and put my bag at my feet. Just as the bus doors are about to close, Theodore rushes in and just stands in the isle. His eyes rest on me and he just smirks. He saunters toward me and takes the seat next to me. I look over at him and roll my eyes. I return to my phone and open Willow in my messages.

"SOS. Theodore is sitting next to me on the bus, and I'm going to throw something at him."

"Haha. Stay tight Raven, you'll survive. ;D"

I giggle at her response, and Theodore shuffles in his seat and sighs. I breathe in deeply, and all I can smell is Theodore. He smells like the beach and guy. I bite my lip and fiddle my thumbs. Theodore shuffles again and takes a quick intake of breath. I shuffle as far away from him as possible, and plug my earphones into my phone. The rest of the trip is boring and quiet. The bus pulls up and we all file off. I walk to my house and unlock the door. I walk up the stairs and into my room. I flop onto the bed and open my laptop. My phone beside me beeps and I glance down at it.

One message from unknown number.

"Hey it's Theodore." I sigh. What the hell?

"What do you want?"

"Come down to Lucy's Diner, I want to talk to you."


"Just come."

I sigh, and lift myself off my bed, and to my walk in closet. I. Hangs into clean clothes and grab my handbag and walk out the door. I decide to write a note for dad, letting him know that I'm going out. I stick it to the fridge and lock the door behind me.

The streets are scattered with people, and the sun is getting ready to set. It's only five o'clock, but there's still a decent amount of light. It takes me about five minutes to locate Lucy's, but I when reach the café, I'm greeted by Theodore, leaning against the wall, smirking at me.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Come with me," he ignores me question and moves away from the wall.

"I'm not going anywhere with you until you tell me why you told me to come here."

"Come with me and I'll tell you." He holds out his hand for me to take, but I simply wave it away. He seems surprised but follows me all the same. We stop near a children's park and sit at one of the seats.

"Are you going to explain?" I cross my arms at him. He raises his eyebrow at me and smirks. "Ok if you're not going to tell me, I'm gonna leave." I wait for his response, but I get nothing. I begin walking away, but before I can take two steps, I feel Theodore's strong hand wrap around my wrist. I turn and give him a glare.



"Will do the music project with me?"

"What?" I ask, completely dumbfounded.

"Will you do the-"

"No, I heard what you said, but why in hell would you ask me?" I cut him off before he could finish repeating, and he seamed baffle.

"I don't know, because you're talented, and nice," He says, running his hand through his hair. I laugh. I just laugh at his smirking little face.

"I still don't know why you're asking me this." I'm completing confused. Why was "Mr. Popular" asking me for help. What is wrong with the world?

"Please Feathers," he smirks.

"Feathers? Really? What kind of idiot calls a girl Feathers?" I look down at him. "Oooooh. Completely understandable now, very funny Einstein." He try's unsuccessfully to puppy-dog-eye me.

"Fine, if it means you'll leave me the hell alone, then so be it." He smirks at me, and I sigh and my eyes. "Can I go now?" He nods his response so I turn and leave. It takes me about twenty minutes to get home, so that when I finally open the front door, I head straight to the fridge. I take out a soda and head up to my bedroom. My phone rings and I look down at it. Willow's contact information shows on my screen, and I answer the call.

"Hey girl," she says.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I sigh.

"Laying in bed, how about you?"

"Uhh," I groan, "how can one human being be so annoying?"

"Theo?" She giggles. I groan in response, and flop onto the bed. My phone beeps and I look down at it.

One message from Theodore

"I gotta go, the devil speaks."

"Good luck girlie, you'll need it," she laughs. I hang up and open messages.

"Hey Feathers," I laugh. Feathers? Again? Really?

"Why are you still annoying me?" I reply.

"So we'll talk about music at school?" He replies quickly, but ignores my question.

"If you say so Theodore," I lock the screen and close my eyes. And before I know it, I'm fast asleep.

~ Authors Note ~

Nothing much to say - again -, but as usual please vote and comment.

Lots of love
- RavenandSparrow

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