~ Chapter Five - Raven ~

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I walk to M Block, where the music rooms are situated. The rooms - not unlike the others in the school - are decorated according to the subject. The music rooms, for example, have guitars, records, and piano keys hung around the room and painted on the desks. I walk to the back of the room and sit in one of the desks.

The remainder of the class filed in and sat in their seats. Theodore walks in, with the Miss Perfect clinging to his arm. He pries her away from him and takes the seat behind me.

The teacher tells the class to resume what they were doing last lesson, which I have no clue of what it could be. Mr. Eden calls me to his desk, and I hope it isn't going to introduce me - I don't need any more attention than I already do.

"You must be Raven, my name is Mr. Eden. I heard you got on quite well with Willow."

"Yeah, she's a great friend."

"She takes after her mother." He smiles. "You might be wondering what we're doing this lesson." I nod, and return a smile, "We the class is doing a small assignment on Beethoven, but since you are new to this school, I will allow you to skip this and join in on the rest of the lessons."

I thank him and grab my laptop from my bag before returning to my seat. I start typing on my laptop, my fingers on the keys making soft clicking sounds. Just as I am about to begin searching through my song list, a small piece of yellow paper lands on my computer. I look around to see Theodore with a small smile planted in his attractive face. He nods his head in the direction of the paper, signaling for me to read it. I reach over and unravel the ball of paper. On it is written;

"Hey new girl, what's your name?"

I smile to myself. Why is God's world would Theodore Gray be passing me notes? I tear a small piece of paper from my exercise book and scribble on my neat handwriting. I scrunch it up into a ball and throw it back at him. He smiles at my hast to turn my head, but what he doesn't know is that it's to cover up the sheepish grin spreading across my face. I watch his face transition from a smirk to a confused frown. I giggle at his reaction. On the small paper, I had written the simple word; Satan. His reaction is priceless. I'm expecting that he's never been rejected in his life, but that was about to change. The bell rang reminding me that now I have an entire period to do whatever musical practice I desire. Thank god. I return my belongings to my bag, and head to the front of the classroom to ask Mr. Evans where I am supposed to go. He tells me to enter one of the many rooms in the corridor and do pretty much whatever I please, as long as it's got to do with my personal music.

I walk into one of the, - again - incredibly decorated rooms, and find a beautiful guitar that's just my size. I sit on the piano stool, and softly tune the guitar. I begin playing a song that I wrote when I was twelve. Right before my mother passed away. Just as I'm about to finish the second verse, I hear a small crashing sound from the classroom door. I whip my head around to see Theodore and Miss Perfect - who I recently found her name to be Amali Blakely - standing in the gap between the corridor and the classroom. I roll my eyes and return to (quietly) playing the guitar. Without warning, the door opens and Amali strides in.

"Stay away from my boyfriend." She says harshly, popping her hip out to seem more attractive.

"Believe me, I have no intention of going near him." I reply, and return to the guitar.

"I saw you passing notes to him in class."

I laugh. It's funny - she thinks I was the one passing notes. Me. Of all people. "If you were paying enough attention, you would have realised that Theodore over there, was the one passing notes."

"He would never do that to me." She huffs.

"If that's what keeps you happy, then be my guest, be oblivious to the fact that your "boyfriend" is passing notes to other girls. Now if you'll excuse me, I have much better things to do." I smile a not so sweet smile, and again, return to the guitar. She huffs, and to my satisfaction, leaves, taking Theodore with her.
But one question, why was Theodore staring at me the whole time? What is his problem?


I return to the guitar and continue fiddling with chord progressions and key changes. The bell sounds and I return the guitar to its resting place. I return to the main classroom, and the teacher dismisses us.

As I walk to break, I see Willow sitting under our tree. I'm about to wave at her, when I see a group of boys facing her. I rush as fast as I can to see what's happening.

"Hey nerd, why do you think you can sit near us?" The boy in the front says harshly. I start to see red. What kind of asshole says that to Willow of all people. Willow looks both petrified, and defiant.

"Piss off nerd, you don't belong here." The boy to the left says and the others chuckle at his far from amusing joke.

"Hey assholes," I say, coming to stand in front of the four boys. To my satisfaction, they look surprised. "Yeah, you guys. Leave her alone."

"What makes you think you can talk to us?" The middle guy asks, trying unsuccessfully to scare me off.

"Well, for one, I'm not afraid of you. And second, you're just the average douchebag males who think because they're at the top of the schools' food chain, they have the right to rule over the," I pause, and glance at Willow and I, "sane population of the student body. Is that a good enough reason tough guy?" He seems baffled, which is good for me.

"Look, let me set some'm' straight for you. You," he pauses and give Willow and I a look of pure disgust, "are nerds. Nothings. And we are somethings. You see now?" I laugh. I just laugh. Right in his face. His reaction sadly, is not as amusing.

"You, do, not, get, to, laugh, at, me. " he hisses into my face, a nasty snarl on his face.

"Get, away, from, me," I reply in the same hiss, shoving him away from me and into his group of friends.

"Oh no you did not just do that." He retorts.

"Oh but I just did," I say. Suddenly, he grabs the front of my shirt and makes a ball with his fist. All of a sudden I'm a little bit scared. Well, more than a little. My heart starts beating rapidly and I suddenly have an inkling that I probably shouldn't have done that. Abruptly, I'm let go, and I'm able to breathe freely again.

"What the hell are you doing James?" I hear a husky voice, but I still don't open my eyes. Pretty please don't let it be who I think it is. I slowly open my tired eyes. Shit. Seriously?!

~ Authors Note ~
Hey guys! I hope you liked Chapter Five! I was thinking of mixing it up a bit so I decided to do what pretty much everyone else is doing, and add in Theodore's point of view. I've decided on making the chapter name with the name of the character who's point of view it's written in (if that even makes any sense 😂). Hope you guys enjoy the rest of the book.

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Lots of love

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