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John watched in amazement, his mouth slightly open as he looked through the cracked door and stared at his boyfriend, who was bent over the bed, long, feathered, black wings sprouted from his back.

His mouth felt dry, his eyes glued open. He couldn't stop staring. He was so glad Sherlock didn't know he was there.

For one, Sherlock had a really fine ass, and for two, he had wings! The wingspan was probably bigger than John!

Sherlock stood up and put his hands on his hips, stretching his wings. He sighed quietly, ruffling his hair.

He picked back up the shirt he had taken off and set it on the bed neatly.

He sighed. “They get so sore during the day.” He whispered, flapping them gently.

John put a hand over his mouth. Sherlock was an angel!

Sherlock turned around and he saw John at the door. His wings folded up against his back so fast, it was as if they disappeared.

John gasped.

“John! What are you doing?!” Sherlock yelled, pulling on his shirt.

“I-I came to ask if you wanted to cuddle tonight..” John whispered.

Sherlock shook his head. “No, not tonight, John.”

John nodded softly and walked into the room. He shuffled to Sherlock and looked up at him.

“You're an angel?” He tilted his head.

“No,” Sherlock blushed with embarrassment. “I'm not an angel, John.” He sighed and took John's hand, leading him out and bringing him upstairs.

“Then what are you?”

Sherlock frowned and lead John back to bed. “Just a dream.” He laid John down, tucking him in with the blanket.

John shook his head. “No you're not.” He grabbed the front of Sherlock’s shirt and pulled him down, pressing their lips together.

Sherlock sighed and closed his eyes, kissing his boyfriend gently. John's curious hands slipped around Sherlock's body, unbuttoning the first few buttons of his shirt. Sherlock pulled away and tried to button it back up, but before he could, John pulled his shirt off, and his wings sprung out.

John sat up eagerly. “They're so pretty.”

“John, please,” Sherlock sat up and moved away from John. “Not now. Go to sleep.”

John frowned and reached out. Sherlock moved his wing away and laid John down.

“You have such a beautiful body.” John sat up, and in a heartbeat, Sherlock was laying on the bed, and John was sitting on his abdomen. “Is this why you never wanted to have sex? Or always took my shirt off, but never let me take yours?” He asked in a whisper, tracing Sherlock's wings. Sherlock whined and closed his eyes.

John leant down and kissed his lips. Sherlock didn't return the kiss much, but he didn't pull away.

John smiled and hummed, cupping Sherlock's cheeks. They made eye contact, then John's eyes slowly drifted off, and he stared at Sherlock's wings.

Sherlock pulled his wings close and pouted. “J-John, I don't feel comfortable…” He said quietly, looking up at him.

“Why?” John asked, twisting around one of Sherlock’s curls.

“I don't like my wings being exposed..” he wiggled under John. “Can you let me go…?”

John sighed and got off Sherlock, laying down beside him. Sherlock's wings folded against his back, and he put his shirt back on.

“They're not really as big as I thought, when I was staring at you.” John said.

Sherlock looked down and was silent.

“I thought they were bigger than me.” He chuckled. “I think they at least go to my shoulders.” He sat up, putting his hand on Sherlock's back.

Sherlock twitched, glancing over towards John, who smiled.

John leant in and pecked his angel boyfriend's lips, ruffling his hair.

“Lay down, John.” Sherlock got up. John laid down.

“Are you going to cuddle with me tonight?” John asked, pulling the blanket up. “I think you're beautiful, by the way. Stop looking so gloomy about those pretty wings.”

“I don't want you to be involved, John… You can't tell anyone.”

Sherlock kissed his forehead, gave his hand a squeeze, and walked away.

John giggled and stared at his back, wanting to see the wings again.


John woke up the next morning to the sunlight shining against his face. He sat up in a daze, after having such a weird dream about those wings…

He got out of bed and picked up a change of clothes, going to the bathroom to shower and do his regular routine.

He pulled off his trousers, then his shirt, and the next thing he knew, two golden wings popped out from under his shirt. He screamed, running out of the bathroom and down to Sherlock, who was sitting in the kitchen with his goggles on, doing something with chemicals.

“Sherlock!” John yelled. "Look at me!”

Sherlock looked up and gasped. “Oh, no, John!”

He got out of his seat quickly, walking over to John, who was almost naked, but that didn't matter right now.

Sherlock frowned and tilted John's head up. He ran a hand through his hair, which was less grey now.

“Oh, John..” he looked at the wings.


Sherlock frowned and pulled John close, hugging him tightly. John's wings fluttered, and so did his heart. He hugged Sherlock close.

“Take off your shirt!” John said. “Let me see your wings.”

Sherlock shyly took off his goggles, gloves, and lab coat, then his shirt.

His wings popped back out.

“John, we need to--” before Sherlock could finish, John had him pinned against the wall and was kissing him deeply. Sherlock's face turned pinkish, but he couldn't help pulling John closer, letting the tips of their wings brush together as they kissed.

Sherlock jumped into John's arms, folding his wings back again, but in a more comfortable position, and not in the way they would be hidden from under a shirt.

John held him up and walked down the short hallway to Sherlock's room. He closed the door and laid Sherlock down.

They ended up cuddling and kissing a lot, with John wrapped up around Sherlock, hugging him tightly. John loved this, he didn't get why Sherlock wore a worried look whenever he brought up their wings.

Perhaps there was something deeper going on here...

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