Sleeping together (not that kind of sleeping >:)

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I look down to see sandwiches and different fruits layed down on a blanket. it wasn't too fancy but still looked delicious. I sit down and Jamie does too. "the sandwiches are peanut butter and jelly." roadhogs snorts looking very proud of himself. I chuckle "This looks great!". Junkrat smiles while biting into a sandwich. While I was eating, what Lena said wasn't really bothering me anymore. From what I've seen Jamies really sweet. I don't know why everyone is so afraid of him, he's like a big teddy bear.

I know I just met him, but I feel like we've known each other for years. I've definitely connected with him the most since I've got here.

We finish our sandwiches and clean up. For the rest of the day we played volley ball and made sandcastles. They where really fun to be around.
I could feel us all becoming better friends.

We watched the sun set, got dressed, then walked back.
I was tired, I guess Jamison saw me yawning so he offered to carry me. I obviously said yes. (Who could pass up a chance like that)

All I remember is hanging onto Jamie and slowly falling asleep.

I woke up feeling unusual. It takes me a few second to realize I'm not the only one in bed. I look up to see Jamison, his arms was around my waist and I my head was on his chest, I started to panic and I fell off the bed.

Jamison slowly props himself up while rubbing his eye. "What the bloody hell was that?". Still half asleep Jamie looks down not realizing why I'm so shaken. (Shook)

"Jamison, why the hell you in my bed?!"
Jamison waits for me to stop bitching and starts to tell me what happened
"Okay, so I know what this looks like! But lemme explain."
I just sat there waiting for his bullshit explanation.
"So basically, you fell asleep when we where walking back last night, and I came to your room to just put you to bed, And you wouldn't let go of me. Sheila I tried to pry you off of me but you wouldn't budge. So I just kinda sat there eventually falling asleep I guess.".

I sat there speechless, I believed him, I laughed a little and he did too. Why does this embarrassing shit always happen to me....

I'm sorry I haven't written for a while. I saw some people commenting about a new chapter, and here it is. So enjoy everyone! 🙃 also I'm thinking about doing one shots... hmmmmmmmm

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