Welcome Party

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After eating the delicious food, I decided to head up to my room to unpack. I washed up my plate and slipped it into the dishwasher. While I was doing this tracer zipped over. "hey love, forgot to tell you, but the overwatch team is holding a welcoming party tonight at 7:30 for the new recruits. It's kinda tradition! Make sure to wear something nice.". Before I could say anything she blinked away without hesitation. I chuckled and continued what I was doing.

(Tiny time skip lol)                     

I opened the door to my room to see my things laid out on the clean sheets of my bed. I sighed and plopped on top of my bed with a smile. I was exhausted but still in awe that I was actually here. I pulled a picture of me and my dad out of my bag and studied it. I wish my dad was here to see how far I've come. I hold the picture to my chest and drift off to sleep.

(Another time skip)

I woke up and saw it was dark outside. I jumped up and checked my phone, Thank god! Only 6:30. I got out of bed with a slight headache and messy hair. "wow, I need to nap more often", I said to myself as I walked to the washroom. I look in the mirror to see my (H/C) hair in a frizzed mess. I laugh and start washing my face.

I start quickly start unpacking my bag (because I forgot to do it earlier) and took a shower. The water was actually warm, unlike the water temperature in my home town. I kept the shower brief so I wouldn't be late, even though it felt so good. For my outfit, I decided to go casual and wear jeans and a t- shirt. For my makeup, I just did an easy natural look with a tan eyeshadow. After getting ready I checked the time to see it's  7:20. It took me around five minutes to get to the cafeteria (the party place), so I decided to show up a little early.

When I walked in, I saw everyone just chatting and having a good time. Tracer spotted me and waved me over with a big smile. I sped walked over and I said hi to everyone. "Wow (Y/N)! you look great! enjoying the party so far?" Tracer said before sipping her punch. "I mean I just walked in, but it looks great so far haha," I said. Tracer laughed and poured me a drink.

After a couple drinks, the lights dimmed and music started to get ramped up a bit, the party must be starting. A familiar song started playing and tracer gasped. "OMG!! I love this song!", She grabbed my hand and forced me to the crowded dance floor, and started dancing like a crazy person. I stood still laughing at her attempt to dance. "c'mon (Y/N), show me what you got!". You laughed and started copying her stupid dance moves.

After a while of dancing, I felt a little tipsy from your previous drinks and stumbled back and bumped into someone. Hard.  (I mean it was enough to be surprising).  "OI! Watch it!",  I turned around to see you bumped into none other than Junkrat. He turned around to face you. I was immediately intimidated by his height and fell backward again in shock, fuck that was embarrassing.

Seeing him up close now, you noticed more features like his battle scars and freckles all over his body.  After a couple seconds of studying his appearance, he smirked a little. "Stop checking me out.".  I was immediately offended by his accusation. "What! Am not, you perv!" I attempted to get up but slipped again on the sweaty dance floor. He started laughing at my pathetic attempt to get up, while I blush a little of embarrassment. "Here," he said while reaching his hand out and lifted me up firmly. "Thanks!" I said while rubbing the back of your head. "usually I'm not this clumsy." He said trying to lighten up the mood. "you better not be this clumsy in training or you'll lose a limb." he said while waving up his prosthetic arm. I laughed still embarrassed from slipping 15 times. He walked away and you made your way back to Lena, who was getting a drink.

I was a little confused why he was so nice to me.  From what I heard from the others is that he's complete dickhead. I mean he might just be nice to me because I'm new...


(Junkrats P.O.V)

I was just minding my own business when someone decided to stumble into me. Usually, I would kick their arse and tell them to fuck off. (In the most polite way possible) But it was the new recruit, (Y/N) I think. She was obviously a little drunk, so I decided not to be an butt head and make a good first impression. Before I could say anything she slipped and fell on the ground. Damn shes jumpy. I was expecting her to apologize but she just stared at me. "stop checking me out." I said as I joke. but she took it literally and snapped back at me. "What! I'm not, you perv!". she tried to get up but pathetically slipped again. This was too good. I started laughing, I've never seen anyone this clumsy. I helped her up. When I was face to face with her, I noticed her features. Beautiful (E/C) eyes, freckles sprinkled across her face. she was not bad looking, to be honest. After I helped her up She was still embarrassed but she thanked me. "Usually I'm not this clumsy," she said quietly. "You better not be this clumsy in training or you'll lose a limb" while I waved around my prosthetic arm. She laughed at my cheesy joke and I walked away, smiling.

I was a little confused why I was so nice. Recruit or not, I'm usually a dick to everyone. I shook off my weird feeling and walked over to roadhog.


((Y/N) P.O.V)

I sat beside tracer at the bar. "(Y/N)! where did you go? I was just dancing with you and then, POOF! gone!" I laughed a little bit and told her what happened. Tracer was surprised by the story I just told her. "What? Junkrat actually talked to you? He's usually a moody prick!" Tracer yelled while passing me a drink. I shushed her while giggling to make sure no one could hear our conversation. "I know right. I was confused too! I feel like he was only nice to me because I'm the new girl, ya know." Tracer shook her head. "No. Last year he a new recruit messed with him and ended up with a bruised up eye! (Y/N) YoUr tHe ChosEn One!". Tracer was a little drunk, okay scratch that she was REALLY fucking drunk, but so was I. We chatted for a bit and then I checked the time. "Woah! It's 12:00! Don't we have training tomorrow?" Tracer put her drink down. "EHHHHH its just fitness tomorrow. It'll be a late start, don't WorrRyyyyy.".

I laughed and said my goodbyes. Fuck I drank too much. I'm gonna have an awful hangover tomorrow. I walk to my room and plop on my bed once again not even getting dressed into my pajamas. I immediately fell asleep. What a day.

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