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So yeah made some changes at the end of last chapter go check it. K enjoy the new chapter!
Sorry it so short ahh.

Jamie's lips left mine, and I just stared at him.

"Oh shit, I didn't really think that through."

I start to say something but he stops me.

"Hey, so like hear me out. (Y/n), Your the only person in this damn place who doesn't look at me like I'm some sort of criminal. You get me. And I want to have you around more often."

I sat their in shock. Was he trying to say he liked me? I mean I felt the same way, but I didn't know what to say.

Jamison sits there waiting for my response. I felt butterflies in my stomach get worse.

"Jamie, If your trying to say you like me, I feel the same way." I laugh a little bit.

He's looks at me almost suprised by what i said. I kiss him again, this time a little longer >:)

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