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🍃SEVENTEEN - Falling For U

Chanhee bites his lower lips in anxiety. He arrives early out if nervousness and it is earlier than he thinks. He remembers how Juyeon teases him about what is there to be nervous for.

He figdets while observing his surrounding. Suddenly, he feels a small tap at his shoulder. He turns around.

"Sorry for being late?" Hayeon greets him with a giddy smile while pursing her lips.

Chanhee feels his cheeks get hotter. Perhaps it is because of the blazing sun.

"It is fine. I am early." Chanhee rubs his neck while smiling awkwardly. Both of them starts to walk to nowhere.

"Sorry," Chanhee's voice somehow comes out croaky, he widens his eyes before coughing a few times.

Hayeon chuckles, thinking how cute he is. "Sorry for what?" She replies while kicking a stone gently to her side. She has this habit of kicking things that is near to her foot.

Hayeon grows up in a tough childhood. She is the only daughter in her family when her father re-marries and her (half) brothers involved in active, outdoor sports. Sunwoo, who is a year younger plays soccer and represents the district in every season. Younghoon in the other hand is in the university athletics team. Both of them are very close to Hayeon and she mostly spends her time watching them practices. Maybe that is why she knows how some games works and some tricks.

Younghoon is older, the eldest among them but he acts childishly and completely does not match his ages. Younghoon loves to cling to Hayeon and has this habit to squeeze Hayeon's cheeks whenever they meets. Since it is the track and field season, Hayeon hardly can meet Younghoon because the boy mostly will practice and practice until dusk and then sleep like a log by the night.

Sunwoo is the contrast compared to Younghoon. He is younger but he speaks wiser, acts like older and he kinds of have an old soul. He is very protective of Hayeon, he says it is because she is his sister but people sees it as jealousy. Sunwoo is literally stuck together to Hayeon. For example, he insists on going to the market, mall and even cafe. Sometimes people misunderstood them as couples.

Hayeon does not mind at all. At least she feels loved and what more she could ask?

Okay, back to the situation; Chanhee's cheeks are burning and now he feels hotter as they keep walking.

"I mean, sorry for taking your phone and maybe invading your privacy?" Chanhee raises his brows while shoving Hayeon's phone to her face UNINTENTIONALLY. Lets just hope Hayeon will not think weirdly.

"What privacy? It is locked," Hayeon gladly takes her phone back despites being shoved right at her nose. She does not mind and she is very certain that Chanhee is just as twitchy as she is but she manages to cover it.

"I am sorry because I saw your lockscreen." Chanhee apologized one more times, making Hayeon laughs in response.

"You are just impossible. If it is anything about privacy, it should be me. I mean, I had to open your messaging? And reply you?" Hayeon twists a smile before turning Chanhee's phone onto his palm. "I am very sorry." Hayeon mutters apologetically.

Chanhee unrested as he is, quickly shakes his head with hig hand gestures and telling it is alright over and over.

"Do you have somewhere to go?" Hayeon questions. "It seems like we have walked way too far." She turns back and stares at the endless road behind. Chanhee also does the same and he upturns his lips.

"I don't know. I am not that familiar." He replies innocently.

"Guess we just have to turn back." Hayeon shrugs and starts walking. Chanhee follows her from behind.

After a few steps, Hayeon stops her track in sudden. Chanhee, who is alarmed of her confront her anxiously.

"What happens?" He asks, his head tilts to Hayeon's side so he can get a coherent view of her.

Hayeon blinks and turns to Chanhee while mouting a sentence in horror, "I forgot which way is my apartment."

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