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"YAH CHOI CHANHEE!" Kevin screeches on top of his lungs. He slams the door shut which  the other boys in the housr return their attention to him.

"What is wrong?" Juyeon comes out from the kitchen while holding a pan and an egg. Yes, he is cooking.

"That blonde penguin ditched me!" Kevin tells with an exasperated look ever with dramatic gestures.

"Ditch you for whom?" Eric raises his brows.

Kevin shrugs. "That girl? I guess? He is in rush that he forget his phone and he told me it is just for awhile but!!! He actually forget me and I have to close the shop when I don't even know how to lock the cash machine!!" Kevin facepalms.

"Then, how did you close the store?" Sangyeon curiously asks.

"I USE MY BRAIN DUH!" Kevin shoots them a death glare while arching his brows.

"Really? I don't know you have brain." Eric replies savagely, making the others chuckle.

"Yah!!" Kevin yells then throws a pillow to Eric. Still not content, he headlocks the younger.

"I-I Oh my God!! I still have my Maths homework!!" Eric half weeping, half  choking for air.

"Urgg, I am going to teach him a lesson!" Kevin bumps his fist.

"What lesson?" There comes the subject, locking the door and looking so wrecked. He looks fine but his skin is red and he looks is freezing to death.

"Did you jump into the sea or what? You look so horrible!" Kevin commented and rushed to wrap a blanket around the younger. "Is there anything that can help him warm?" Kevin concernedly turns to his friends.

Sangyeon shrugs and chuckles. "Yet you said you gonna beat his ass up."

Juyeon too, smiles. "Well nothing unless you want to cook him on the stove." He replies sarcasticly. Then he goes to Eric while fishing out his phone from his jeans pocket.

"Yah seriously, did you really jump into the lake?" Kevin asks again.

Chanhee shakes his head and goes to the couch near Juyeon. "I gave her my jacket. I kinda spilled water on her and she would be more freezing than me." Chanhee responds with shivers.

"You are really fool.."

"In love." Juyeon continues Kevin's sentence and then both of them high-five each other.

"Ah whatever." Chanhee sulks. "But I think.. I do like her." He confesses. But neither he knows that the small confession he makes give such outrageous impact to his housemates.

Sangyeon widens his eyes in horror.

Juyeon spits his milk.

Eric chokes on air.

Kevin grins and hugs Chanhee.


"But seriously, you guys know all along?" Chanhee sighs. He really cannot hide anything from his friends.

"That took you long enough. We know it better. Anyway, when will you confess?" Juyeon is the most excited among them.

"What? Yah, it is too soon!!"

"The sooner the better!"

"The heck, it is not like I am getting married!"

The bickers continue.

"You are soaked." Eunbi commented without any expression. She is used to Hayeon being clumsy and she will spill everything.

Hayeon pouts. "This is not my fault!" She retorts. She hangs the jacket at the balcony and goes back to Eunbi eho is busy replying text.

"Ahem, I guess it is your partner?" She raises her brow.

Eunbi shrugs but later she admits he is. "He is a good partner. At least I am not doing the whole thing alone." And scoops the icecream into her mouth.

"Tch.. look who is in love now." Hayeon sneers and also takes a spoonful of the icecream.

"At least your man has the courtesy to tell you."

"What? Yah, Chanhee is shy, I would be the one to confess."

"Oh really? Wow tell me when both of you are official."

Hayeon realizes what she has said and cups her face with her bare hands and find it heating.

"Oh gosh.. Why I am like this? I really like him, right?"

That is the question for Hayeon to think that night.

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