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🍃PENTAGON - Violet

They spend a good amount of times to trace which way is Hayeon's apartment.

"Chanhee ssi, you should go first." Hayeon tells while gesturing him to go first.

"And what about you?" Chanhee concernly replies back. He looks around and they are at the T-junction which is only roads are surrounding them.

"I will figure it out later." Hayeon answers brightly. She holds her phone tightly. She does not have enough balance to call Eunbi and she also does not have enough money to pay the fare for taxi. Hayeon mentally curses herself.

She should have prepared.

"Chanhee, I am sure you have a lot to do so go first please." Hayeon repeats.

"What makes me a man if I leave you alone?" He insists while keeping his pace with Hayeon's quickening steps.

"It does not relate, Chanhee. You are still a gentleman." Hayeon strides faster.

"I need to make sure you are safe." Chanhee retorts adamantly.

"It is fine Chanhee. I get lost all the times. It is normal. I will text you later when I arrive home, okay?" Hayeon reassures but Chanhee remains stubborn.

"Nope. At least you are in front of my eyes to keep me reassured."

"You are just impossible." Hayeon gives in and let Chanhee walks with her.

Both of them walk together, their chatting get livelier and they seems less awkward by the moment Hayeon reaches the same crosswalk where they meet.

"Well, I guess here will be our farewell." Hayeon grins while waving to Chanhee.

"Nope. I told you I won't ditch you, not until you step into your apartment." Chanhee raises his brows, repeating and insisting again.

"Wha-- okay fine. Lets go." Hayeon knows there is nothing can persuade Chanhee. She just wonders why Chanhee is so adamant about this small thing. Some guys and her friends would just shrug her off and leaves her by when she says she knows the road. But Chanhee isn't.



Hayeon chokes. She doesn't know how to describe when Chanhee slowly turns to her, his bleached bangs also moves delicately as he tilts his head to match her height, his soft, silvery voice that response to her calling in hum. It is too beautiful to handle.

"Hayeon? What is it?" Chanhee snaps his finger in front of Hayeon's face.

And yes, she totally get snapped out of it.

"Oh I- ouch!" Hayeon wants the ground to swallow her, if it could. She is dying in embarrassment. How on earth she manage to trip over Chanhee's leg?!

Luckily Chanhee is quick to catch her which makes Hayeon lands into his embrace.

"You are so clumsy." Chanhee giggles while supporting her to stand.

"As if you don't." Hayeon replies while holding her laugh. She feels uncomfortable as her long hair strands are blocking her face but Chanhee is holding her both arms which makes she is unable to do anything.

"Oh my, you are a mess." Chanhee exclaims, he laughs softly. He raises his hand and gently pushes her hair back with his fingers.

Hayeon is flustered. She hates false hope as much as she hates bugs. Or cockroaches. In this case, Chanhee is giving her hopes that he is interested in her.

Chanhee, a cute boy with melodious voice and cheeky smile. A gentleman, also dresses well and endearingly charming, girls would have swoon over him. That is including Hayeon. She is slowly falling for him. Chanhee cannot be interested in her, right?

"Who are you?" A voice greets them gruffily. Hayeon and Chanhee turns simultaneously to the owner.

Chanhee blinks in alarm, he arches his brows while staring to the guy in highlighter green jersey.

Hayeon twitches her nose, smelling a complicated trouble is coming.

"Sunwoo, this is Chanhee. And he is your hyung." Hayeon introduces and emphasises the 'hyung' title.

Chanhee timidly bows to the younger. He cannot helps but slightly feels intimidated by the cold and creepy aura that the younger gives.

"Nice to know you, Chanhee hyung." Sunwoo has this undecipherable expression on his face which showing he has no interest in knowing Chanhee but also is plotting murder of him later.

"What are you doing outside?" Sunwoo turns to Hayeon.

"Meeting him? Remember I told you I switched phone with someone else? This is that guy." Hayeon smiles.

Sunwoo is still unfazes and Chanhee begins to feel awkward. He has the guts that this Sunwoo guy is Hayeon's boyfriend but it is just weird.

"Ah. Right." Sunwoo nods. "I am going home. Make sure to drop by at lunch." Sunwoo bids goodbye with small waves and he purposely bumps his shoulder to Chanhee's when he passes by him.

"Ouch," damn, that boy is really something, Chanhee thinks.

"Sorry Chanhee! Sunwoo is always like that. Aish that nerve of him--"

"It is fine, he is going through his angsty phase." Chanhee smiles. He dusts his shoulder and they begin to walk again.

Chanhee really keep his word to accompany Hayeon until she reaches her step in the building.

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