Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Tell him to leave... right now."

I'm agape, staring at Giovanni in disbelief. "What?"

His mouth sets into a stubborn line. "Tell him to get out or I will."


I whirl around as Ed exits the bedroom, uncomfortably. When he sees Giovanni, he stills, probably wondering what the famous designer is doing at my apartment in the middle of the night, bristling with anger.

"Get out," Giovanni snaps, his voice landing like the crack of a whip.

Ed's brows furrow. "Scarlett?"

I breathe in, sobering up by the second. "I'm sorry, Ed. You should go."

"Yeah, you should."

I glare at Giovanni in amazement. "Giovanni, he did nothing wrong—"

"I don't like your fucking tone," Ed growls, squinting in disbelief. "I've done shit to you, man."

"You're trying to fuck a woman who is so drunk she probably won't remember this in the morning. Is that something that turns you on? Is that the best you can do?" Giovanni interrogates him, arrogantly.

"Giovanni, stop this."

"Get out," Giovanni demands frigidly.

I look at him in disbelief. What the fuck is he doing?

Ed storms back into my bedroom, exiting seconds later, putting his shirt back on.

"Scarlett, you sure you're okay with this guy? I don't want to leave you here if—"

"I'm fine," I whisper, crossing my arms over my body. I feel the room spin, extending. "It's alright. I'm sorry. I'll explain..."

I don't even finish the sentence because I know there is no fucking way to explain this, explain Giovanni.

"I'm going to call tomorrow, make sure you are okay."

Giovanni backs up from the doorway just enough, so that Ed can squeeze past, an unattractive power move. I glare at him, about to fucking change that.

Giovanni watches Ed go. I watch Giovanni.

Finally he turns to me, expressionless as he walks right into my apartment.

I chuckle to myself, shutting the door. "Yeah, just come on in."

"You are drunk."

"A bit, yeah."

He turns by my table. "You are going to be disappointed with yourself in the morning."

"Am I?"

His eyes squint, matching my look of annoyance. "Yes."

I close my eyes, trying to stop the tilting. "And you know this?"

He looks down as he sets his coat onto the table. "I know you, Scarlett."

I remain still, holding myself.

"You think you—"

"No, I fucking know you," he snaps, glaring at me. "And you know it."

He walks into the kitchen, to my surprise, reaching into one of my cabinets.

"Go take a shower. Get sobered up."

I rub my dry lips together. "Giovanni, I don't know what you are doing here, what is happening..."

"What is happening is you are drunk and I need you sober."

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