Chapter Thirty-Nine

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"Just a few questions!"

I enter NWPR shielded by sunglasses even though the sunlight is dull today in New York. Under my arm is a newspaper I picked up on the way in. Plastered on the front is a picture of me last night entering my building, looking disoriented, sickly. My insides strangle at the mere thought of Giovanni getting to see that photo.

I stride through the lobby, aware of the many eyes following as I make my way towards the elevator. I step inside, and the mask slips. My reflection in the glossy walls shows me a glimpse of heartache.

I'm going to have to get used to this kind of staring.

The entire plane ride over, I thought of what I want. What I can handle and what I can't. I contemplated what's important and what can be discarded of. When the bell chimes and the doors part, I step into the office, looking over at the cubicles, finding everyone glued to their work far too seriously.

"Good morning," I declare loudly, so they're forced to acknowledge my presence. I remove the sunglasses, knowing I cannot hide the dark circles all day.

"Good morning."

"Good morning, Scarlett."

"Good morning."

My determination wavers at the sight of Rebecca standing by her desk. I know without a doubt that by now she's entered my office, finding it completely destroyed. Her expression is overflowing with concern and questions.

"Hi Becca," I murmur low, walking past her into the office. The sight of the chaos is a trigger within me, one that makes it easy to feel the kind of hopelessness I did while lying on that floor.

"I can pick this up..." she starts to say while I'm setting my things down.

"No." I shake my head, looking at the broken lamp, the files completely thrown together. "I am going to."

"I can help."

She sees a glimpse of the rage I'm holding back in my scowl. "No, really, Rebecca. I'm fine."

"I called for some lamps and a new file cabinet... and an office phone. Your laptop is fine, I think."

"Thank you," I whisper, bending to grab the scattered piles of paper from the carpet. They make a loud thump as they collide with my desk. I grab my purse, fishing out my phone so I can plug it in. The hours I spent without it have been nice, but reality must be faced.

"Is there anything I can do?"

"Has Norman seen the statements by Giovanni and Michelle?"

"Yes. He said you had final approval though. He said you weren't sure that was what you wanted to say."

I huff, rubbing my face. "Yes, well, it is what I want to say. So, please call our top stations and give them the statements first. Then post them from all social media accounts."

"Have you and Giovanni figured something out? When I left, he was here. I was worried when I came in and saw this."

"We aren't going to continue," I force out, bending to retrieve the broken pieces of my equipment. I sense her bend down beside me. I don't stop her this time as she begins to help me with damage control.


"Because he didn't want to."

She exhales softly. "Oh, Scar."

"Norman made it clear we couldn't go public or I'd lose my job. I was willing to fight it... Giovanni wasn't."

"I can't believe Norman did that. I mean, you are the person that makes this place run."

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