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Hope you guys enjoy~!

Fred II Weasley x Huggable!Cuddable!Reader

Modern AU

Third Person's POV

15 Years Ago...

Your mom and Fred's mom were besties since the two met at elementary to college, coincidentally the two were neighbors at their neighborhood. And now that the two were married by their lovers, and given birth to the two's new born baby.

10 years later... brought to you by this lazy author and is too lazy to type more

You and Fred were now 5 years old, are now attending preschool. You two were always having fun together at the school, draw together, play together, and sleep together whenever your mom and his mom would tell you two to go to take a nap.

3 years later...

Now that you two were now, 8 years old, your parents and his parents were planning to move out and move to xxxx xxx xx, you two would miss this place there were a lot of nice people here in your neighborhood and you two were gonna miss some of your friends at school.

"I will miss this town..." Fred said with a sad tone in his voice.

You took some few glances and look back I'm front of you and said, "Me too, Fred.."

"Hey uhm.. Fredie? "

"Yeah, (N/N)? "

"Can you promise me that you'll be always by my side? " you held your pink out to him.

Fred smiled and interwined hid pinky with yours, "I pomise! "

You smiled in realief and hugged him then he hugs back.

"Come now you two let's get moving, " your mom called the two of you out.

"Okay mommy! Lets go Fredie! "

Fred grabs your hand and ran with you towards the van.

Will Fred promise to be always by your side? Or not? Or did he forget about your promise?

Present time...

You two were now in high schools and a lot of things changed Fred, he made a lot of friends at the class, he becomes less being with you, he becomes more and more popular at the school you two enrolled together, and etc.

While you change a bit, more nerdy, and more intelligent, and also a bit cold and bitter you also have few friends at your class, so there's nothing to worry about being lonely. And those friends were very loyal and always cares about you and each other instead of themselves and that's what you like about them being a true friend that will never leave by your side not like that childhood friend of yours that just forgotten about your promise.

Right now your hanging out with your friends at your house, in your room.

"Oh and do you know [N/N]? " Rose asked you as she giggled thinking of something that she suppose to tell you right now.

"What? " you asked as you look at her.

"I have a conclusion that Scorpius, that dumb idiot son of Draco Malfoy, is gay, " Rose claimed.

"Pfft--guys I'm right here you know?! " Scorpius exclaimed, almost got choked by drinking his soft drink.

"Oh really? " Albus asked, he sounded dead and is dying to know whose this guy who Scorpius is gay for, so that he can murder him.

"Hey!! That is not true!! I am freaking straight!! Straight as a ruler!!! " Scorpius defended himself as he glared at you all.

"Huh? Really? Well according from what I have observed from you, your are clearly gay for A---hmmh hhmh!!! " Rose got cut off by Scorpius by covering her mouth with his hand.

"How many times do o have to tell you! I'm not gay--yuuuuckk!!!! Rose what the heck?!? Your so gross!! " Scorpius wiped his hand at his shirt, clearly disgusted by her actions.

"It's your fault for putting your stupid hand in my mouth, " Rose sticked out her tongue at Scorpius and Scorpius looked away while crossing his arms.

"Rose can you please tell me who this guy is? " Albus asked out of the blue.

"Woah? You really wanted to know that bad Albus? " Rose was shook.

"Yeah, what's wrong with asking? "

"And why do you wanna know, huh? "

"Because if that guy that my best friends like I know I will give him some infos about that guy if his worth it or not. "

"Yeah, yeah sure you are~. "

"Guys, let's co--, " before you could finish your sentence the doorbell ring, probably your mom delivered something from an online shop again, "You guys continue on rambling I'll go check whose at the door. Then you stood up and walk out of your room and went downstairs, rushing towards the door, "Who" when you opened the door, it reveals the one who broke your promise with.


He held a painful smile as he spoke, "Can we talk? "

Hello guys wassup sorry for not updating this lovely book of mine, don't worry I will try not to be slow again and I will try to update more and more, I'm also busy at my other new book that is not yet published, but I have to make this book my main afterwards my second new book that I published a few months ago. And I hope you enjoy reading and I apologize again, this one shot will have a part two sooner later, til then baibaiii!!!!

𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞-𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now