Loosing Humanity

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  I couldn't sleep well. My hand was constantly ached. I hid my swollen hand inside my long sleeve hoddie. Constant nightmares were captivating my mind. Soon I realized the day break. It was calm outside and the birds weren't chirping. I gave up on sleep and the blood bath kept repeating in my mind. I had killed someone. He might had been someone's son, someone's husband, someone's father. The remorse was great. The feeling I got I couldn't control it. My instincts was taking over my body and I couldn't stop it. It even poisoned my mind but when I was ripping their heads off all I could think was to kill them. I checked my face on the rear mirror. It was horrible. I was never this pale. I got out of the car and looked inside the park. It was empty. It was still dark outside. I thought I might as well take a stroll it would clear my mind. If I get a ladies room somewhere it would be good. I walked around and jumped over the fence into the park. There were benches and I could hear cricket's shrill. I saw a fountain. I walked towards it and splashed water on my face. If felt good. Suddenly it was took quite. Something told me I wasn't alone. I couldn't feel the monster inside me waking up. I turned around and found a drifter in ragged clothes standing drunk and smirking at me.

  "So early in the morning", he said. I somehow knew what he was going in his mind. I narrowed my eyes at him.

Am gonna have a nice time!

  I felt like he spoke.

"Not your not gonna have a nice time", I glared. He looked shocked. Wait he didn't tell me that? I pushed that feeling away. He laughed and came almost running at me. Rage took over me. Enough! I jumped on him and tore his head out. I wasn't hungry but I craved for something I didn't know what but when I felt the smell of his blood. My thirst grew. I didn't know what I was doing and I was licking his blood off my fingers. I started shaking by the feeling.  It felt so wrong. His body laid still on the ground and my body moved on its own and next thing I know I was biting on his flesh drinking the blood.

  "Look what we have here! A buffet? "a voice chuckled behind me. A jumped and stood defensively. Two men stood. When they saw my face their eyes met might and their face dropped.  I frowned.

  "Look I don't want trouble", I stood my ground.

  "Just because you can tear people apart and eat them doesn't mean you can toughen up infront of us", one of them said. His sky blue eyes glowed in a weird way in the dark. And his long dark black hair swayed in the wind

  "What?" I was really confused.

  "Trespassing are we. Alpha will be happy that we found someone to let his anger out on", the other said. He had brown hair with sparkling green eyes. Both were built and huge. Their had a scent that roam around. I couldn't make it out. Their deodrant smell was filled in the air and was quite lust full. Both here different both I could still different them. One was husky and smelt like old spice and the other smelt like ocean.

  "She smells so good", The brunette snuffed. I was dumbfounded.

  "Yea she does but no matter how hot she is she's trespassing. Alpha will deal with her", now I was really dumbfounded. All this looked strange it felt like an animal thing. All I knew was that I hated it.

  They both ran towards me. Held my hands to protect myself as they hit. I tried to punch them but the brunette caught it and the other started to punch me and it was so hard that I teared up due to the pain. A growl came out. The brunette held my feet and the other held my hand and pinned me to the ground. They kept hitting me and I was knocked out.


  I woke up after what seemed like a decade for me. The vision became clear and my hands were in shackles. I was in a room which could be called as a dungeon. Dark, dustry and damp. The chains where mounted on the ground. The only sound that echoed was that of the chains. I cried of pain when I tried to move. My stomach ached. I lifted my shirt to see that my stomach had a bad bruise which was turning slight purple but was still bloody red. My lip was busted and my head thrombed sue to pain. I had a cut on the back of my head and found that the blood there had dried off.

  I smelt various scents in the air some were arousing and some were disgusting. There was a metal door at the end of the cell. There was chiming of keys and the door opened.

  "Ah your finally up", a huge man came inside.  He seemed young and had blonde hair and sea blue eyes that gleamed in the moon light that beamed through the small window a love my head. I stared at his handsome face and his bulging muscles.

  "Let's get to business shall we. I have dinner reservations", he smiled and bought a chair infront of me and sat on it. I was on the ground and looked up at him as his blue eyes studied me.

  "Who sent you?" he glared. A sudden shudder passed my spine. I was afraid of him. Some in his glare made me to bow infront of him. How can anyone possess such power. I didn't even know him. My father was the Chief of Police and I knew a few powerful people and neither Sid they were had such an atmosphere around them that made up bow infront of them even though you know nothing about them.

  "Who are you?", he asked.

  "Maybe I should ask you that", I snarled. He growled and started to shake. His growl so fierce and horrid. I teared up a little.

  "Do you know who I am?" I shook my head saying 'no'. I truly had no clue who he was.

  "I am the Alpha. Alpha Morris of the Black Lake pack", he said in a low voice. He felt so intimidating. His jaws clenched every time. And I heard growls all around me. My feet felt weak.

  "Who sent you", he paused and took my left hand and pushed my sleeves away. I tried to pull away but my strength was no match for his. "It rather who made you?" he continued and growled.

  "We were attacked. My friend died but this rats bit us bad. Then I was in the hospital and they tried to get this thing out but failed. Then the bureau came and tried to take me away. I couldn't do anything b-" he cut me off.

  "But kill", he smirked. His smiled like a monster in the dark. Kept glaring at me and my head thrombed.

  "I didn't mean to kill anybody it just happened", I whimpered and sobbed.

  "Yea well you loose things like your humanity", he lightly slapped my face and got up and left the cell and I felt light headed.

You loose things like your humanity!

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