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  Morning came and I woke up or rather woke up screaming. The nightmare still buzzed in my head. I could feel someone watching me or chasing me and violate me all sorts of ways. I started to cry instantly. So lately all I seem to do is cry. Michella barged in my room as hugged me and started rocking us both saying 'Its fine. Its gonna be fine'

  I usual breakfast and chores took over. I was still forced to lie on the bed and rest and it really started to piss me off. I was scared to go to sleep again and it made my skin crawl to think I would get my nightmares back. Even though in Michella's house I felt safe but I was afraid to go to sleep. Michella had to go to work since due to her kidnapping she missed a lot of work which she somehow managed to cool down her boss saying it was a family emergency and she did say she had to hypnotize him a bit cause he threatened to fire her. Sure her boss sounded evil but Michella was a monster and she seemed proud about the fact.

  Michella came into my room before she left for work.

  "We would probably have to move", she held her hands together infront.

  "Why?" my reply came out dumb.

  "Cause we massacred a whole pack and this house is still near their head quarters. Am still amazed as to how they haven't found us yet", she gave me a 'duh' look.

  "But we will be ok for a few days right?"I looked at her in expectation.

  "Yes. This house is on a cliff. It might even take a few days to find the house. But they are wolves. They probably have our scents and searching for us" she paced around the room.

  "Yeah we need to tell Calvin too..", she cut me off.

  "Don't tell him anything", she squeaked. Now something is really fishy. "W-why?" I scrunched my face.

  "Promise me that you won't communicate with him through your mind. Trust me I will explain you later. But for a while we will be here. I will find a place for us. And just keep an eye on the mutt when am not there", she walked to the door.

  "Seriously you think there's something up with him?"I felt offended and bad for Calvin since he's being accused like this.

  "I know you have the hots for him. Don't let that get into your brain. I don't just assume on things Anna", she turned to look at me. Now she was fuming.

  "Okay what if I say I don't trust you", I smiled a fake one at her.

  "Believe whatever you want to believe Anna. Just do me a favor and look out for anything suspicious", she turned to leave again.

  "Am not your slave!" shit that didn't came out right. I saw her steps freeze and she turned to me with confusion written all over her face.

  "Whatever! When you die am not gonna say 'See told ya' and you would say 'Dammit'!" she left me sitting on the bed confused and trying to register wjat she just said. Something wasn't right. Unlike people would cry and say 'trust me on this',  she just said 'think what you want'. It was afternoon time. The clock ticking was making me go insane. I and Calvin had lunch. I didn't tell him about the moving thing and tried to act normal. Thankfully he didn't seem to notice. We had a normal meal like we had dinner I told Calvin I would go to bed since I felt exhausted doing nothing.

  I climbed upstairs and I got to say Michella had a very beautiful house. It was like those old houses with fireplaces and mantel pieces and huge couches. The house looked pretty vintage with grandfather clock doing ding ding when it struck twelve and every other hour. The wooden flooring was beautiful and had all warm carpets on it. I loved the house. The kitchen was also normal except it haf high profile gadgets, microwaves and ovens. It was to say that the kitchen did not match the house. The house looked vintage and the kitchen looked like a kitchen set in a furniture catalog. Although I loved the huge fridge which had a metal body. I could live in it, it was that huge. Tge house jad a small garden in the backyard with a tool shed. Everything in this place was made of wood. The scenery outside the house was breathtaking. There was a valley infront all covered with tall pine and maple trees. A small tar road was the only manmade thing which was there which passed the house. The house had an attic with a glass window feom where we could see the valley which was blocked by the pine trees.  That was a turn off. But I could see streams flowing down the valley which was so beautiful. There was a basement which had all old things and it was exciting. The garden in the backyard had only vegetables growing so there was no fun there. I was bored to death and decided to ignore the tool shed since what could a tool shed have except for some people to think Michella would have bodies hidden there.

  Seriously if Zoey was here she would had told something like 'there would probably be a secret passage to a tunnel which led to a room below the shed and had all dead bodies hanging or rotting and stuff. Zoey was a big horror movie fan like me and seriously she did think of stuff like those. Man I miss Zoey. I felt sad and I decided to shrug it off otherwise I would get depressed. I went to my room and snuggled into the covers and drifted to sleep.

  Again I had a nightmare. But it was something about me running in the woods and somebody chasing me. I woke up with a start at three at noon and felt thirsty. I groaned and got out of bed and lazily walked to the kitchen. I walked around quietly so that I wouldn't disturb Calvin. He probably must be sleeping too. But I caught his scent.  I was sure that his room was on the floor above like mine was but I could smell him on the bottom floor. I walked around and sniffed his scent. I saw a room with its door left ajar. I heard muffed sound and footsteps. Before I could do anything Calvin suddenly appeared from the room with a couple of CDs in his hand.

  "Hey! Couldn't sleep?"he asked smiling but he didn't look at me. As if he was avoiding his stare.

  "Yeah...", I said.

  "I was searching for these CDs in Michella's room. She said she had them and I love these movies", he shuffled the CDs in his hand. He answered the question he didn't answer. I just said ok and made room for him to pass. I didn't even know where Michella's room was. It was probably Michella messing with my head. Calvin didn't seem a bit suspicious to me.

  "Why don't you go back to sleep. You seem horrible", Calvin turned around.

  "Yeah. I was just thirsty", I gave a sad smile. He didn't seem pleased with th answer.

  "You know everything will be fine right?" he raised his eyebrows.

  "Yeah...", I trailed off, "Scratch that. No actually". I sighed and sank into the sofa in the living room. Calvin follow and sat beside me. He placed the CDs on the coffee table infront and leaned back along with me.

  "Am there. There's no need to be afraid of", he put his hand around me and hugged.

  "Yeah I know. Thanks Calvin", my hands went around his neck and I hugged him. I felt so safe in his arms. Why would Michella suspect anything about Calvin. He was so sweet and he helped us all the way. I was so deep in thought that I never realized what he was doing until his lips brushed against mine. I jerked up a little and looked at him. He still hadn't let me go from his arms. I felt my face heat up.

  "You can stop me when you want you know", there was sadness in his eyes. I felt awful. I was so bothered inside that I didn't know how he felt. Even if he said I could stop him, he didn't move an inch. He just looked at me. I probably kept staring at his green eyes since they were so hypnotizing. I felt his warmth and it felt nice. Did I liked him? That's when it hit me. Yeah I did like him. Although our meeting wasn't during good times but he made me feel safe. I leaned forward and held the back of his head and kissed him softly.

  It was a bliss. It was warm. It felt so nice. I played with his hair which made him groan. He pulled closer by my hips and it made me feel excited a bit. I bit his bottom lip and I heard his groan in my lips. I slipped my tongue into his mouth since I couldn't wait anymore. We went French after that. The kiss was absolute bliss and horny. I felt my body go hot and I could feel his temperature rising. He pulled away. That was the time I realized I was totally sleeping on the couch with him on top. He grabbed my ass and gave me one more long kiss before he got up and helped me up. He held me close and I was blushing furiously.

  "Your scent makes me go wild Anna", he smiled against my ear. That made me go more horny than I was a second ago.

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