Werewolves Suck! But You're Stuck Being One!

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  The air was chilly. I saw here clear hazel eyes staring right at me. Her black hair was a mess, it covered moat of her face. She had dirt covered all over her. She was standing straight and she was chained to the ground. She looked as if she was expecting us. Her pale skin looked more ghostly because of her dark hair. A grin slipped across her face. Her eyes twinkled. She was much younger than I imagined. I had imagined her as some old crone with a crooked eye and big fat nose which grey hair that looked like a sparrow's nest. But she was beautiful,  she would without the diet and ragged clothes and much younger maybe 25 cross or something.

"M-Michella? " I shuttered. She just kept smiling.

"You came my dear", she smiled.

"Hurry up", Calvin whispered surely sounding irritated with the awkward meeting.

  I ran to her chains but I didn't have the keys. Before I could utter anything Calvin came and shattered the chains.

"And I wondered why you slacked in that cell all these days?" it was my prominent question at the moment.

"It doesn't matter", he hissed.

  It boggled my mind. I saw how Calvin fought and broke the chains. Why did he wait? He could have escaped the first day he came here. But the main question was how on earth did he end up in that cell?

  "Thank you", Michella muttered. We ran out and I was confused as to where to go next.

  "This way", Calvin pointed to the end of the corridor from where we came. Thete was another path at the start. I ran into it. There was a window. The window was too high. Calvin stood below it and gestured me to climb on his hand so that he would give me a boost up towards the window.

"C'mon", he said.

"Window?" I asked. Clearly I didn't like the idea of sneaking out the window or more like i didn't like the idea of sneaking out now. Jason and Morris were still here. Something ached inside me and I couldn't forget what they did. I could never forget.  I wanted revenge. I wanted them to feel what I felt. The pain, the anguish, anxiety, weak and helpless.

"No", I was shaking with rage that boiled up within me.

"What Anna we getting out of here is more important", from what he said it seemed he knew the reason for my hesitation.

"I want them dead Calvin", he as a murderer should know the feeling. Why is he stopping me?

"Anna I know how you feel about those people. Believe me Morris is in a very important position. He's a hard man to get rid off and even if we do there will be many demanding our heads", he was pleading at this point.

"We? Fine if you don't want to do it then don't. I have never forced you to kill Morris. Its a thing which I have to do.I will be off then", I turned around and passed by Michella.

"Who said you're the only one who wants them dead?" Michella finally spoke. I froze at my step. Right from our agreement she did wanted them dead as well.

"And sweetheart you'll be needing the extra muscle", I could feel her grin at the statement although I didn't see her actually smile at it. I turned to her and there was an evil smirk on her face. As evil as it sounded I was relieved that I had support. Morris was what they would call as the leader. And he didn't just cheat on to get to that position. 'Never underestimate your opponent', that's what my Mom used to say, even if she were a bitch she spoke sensible stuff sometimes.

"Okay so how do we do it?" I asked Michella.

"I was thinking to scare them. People do stupid stuff when their scared", oh Michella was evil.

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