D-Day Arrives

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  The day had finally come. It was still day time but I could still feel my nerves shaking. I could feel my body shaking in anxiety. Something inside me was restless and something ached.

Me:Calvin I don't feel good.

Calvin:Relax full moon is the time when we loose control try to keep yourself calm and everything will be alright. Your inner wolf is trying to escape. If you don't control yourself you will transform into a wolf and things would get ugly.

Me:They weren't pretty to begin with.

  I chuckled at my weak attempt to joke but failed.  Calvin didn't find it the least amusing.

Calvin:Stay alert and don't let the feeling take over you. Try to distract yourself from the pain don't let it take over you.

  'Easy to say' is all I could mumble. I started to divert my attention and I felt the gap instead of my canine. I thought it would have come back like Michella told. But mine was not even near. I looked at my other scars and wounds. They too were taking their sweet time to heal but it was faster than normal. I could already see my wounds were as good as non existent.

  Time seemed to kill me by the second. I could hear shuffling outside the door. The scents were changing on hourly basis. I frowned. Till now what I had observed there were four shifts of guards. Now the place was a havoc.



Me:Why do creepy things start at midnight? Couldn't you pick another time?

Calvin:I like midnight. Its went Morris will be on the edge.

  I thought I could feel him smile.

Me:Why are you in here?

Calvin:My burden to take care babe. I just want what you want. That's Morris dead.

  Like always he didn't give me a satisfying answer.

Michella: Anna? When's the show?

  At that time I could feel my body heating up and a foreign feeling bubbling inside me. It felt as if something dangerous inside me was urging to get out. Calvin pulled me out of my thoughts.

Calvin: Brace yourself!

Me:Michella! We are coming for you!

  The next thing I heard was a huge scream from beside my cell. I a huge breaking of bricks and walls and chains. There was a growl. That could only mean Calvin. As I heard the howl. I lost control. My body ached and it arched. I screamed and felt my body heating up. I could hear my bones snapping and cracking. The pain was horrible. Suddenly I felt my body inflating and my clothes became tight and they tore out nearly suffocating me. My screams turns to whines and growls. I felt completely pain free the next second and I jumped. I was on four legs now and I jerked the chains hard and they yanked out of the walls. I jumped to the door. The door was hard. I growled.


  I banged the door with my head and I cried in pain. I felt my legs ache due to the shackles which were now broken. I heard yells and growls and whines from outside my cell. And there were foot steps near my cell door. I backed away and was ready to pounce as the door opened. I growled.

  The door flung open to a gorgeous man. He had dark red hair and brown eyes. He was so beautiful. His clothes were torn like mine were.

"So your a grey wolf", he smiled. I immediately recognized the voice. The man who stood there with sharp nose and pink pounty lips and muscle toned body was non other than Calvin and his roses and first rain scent filled the air. His smile was wide and made him look more gorgeous. I was confused at the moment. My ears perked at every noise that came.

"Shift back if you can. We need to sneak through smallest cracks if possible", he came inside and towards me. I still didn't trust Calvin. The plan seemed too good and Calvin seemed too good to be true.

  "Calm down. I won't hurt. We will get out of here", he whispered as he reached out his hand towards me.

How the hell am I supposed to change back?

  I started to panic and I heard my own whines in the air.

"Hey hey its okay. Am here. Calm down", he rubbed my back and hugged me. Somehow it helped me to calm down and I inhaled his scent. I felt my body shrinking and I could feel his hands on my bare hands again my bare skin. As I felt his figure tips on my back I realized I had changed back and I was naked. I gripped tightly to him and tried to cover my front and panicked.

  I heard him chuckle and I was surreal. "Here", he removed his shirt and covered me up, "Quick now lets go". I slipped inside the shirt and it was big for me. I reached to the mid of my thighs to my relief. The full sleeves didn't help though, it restricted my moments a little. I buttoned the last button and turned to see him. His hand went for my neck. His touch was soothing and his fingers traced my spot where my voice box was. I looked at him, his eyes still on something on my neck. His eyes were blank but had a little sadness in them. I nugged him and he snapped his eyes and looked at me and smile. He pulled me up and grabbed my hand and we got out.

  The corridor looked like those in the movies. A typical dungeon. We both turned to see shadows coming our way. Calvin tossed me a bunch of keys.

"Free as much as you can. More distractions. And more kills", I nodded and tried the keys on the doors. I fondled hard and caught Calvin undressing or to be specific unzipping his pants.

  "What the hell are you doing? !"I panicked.

  "These are the only clothes I have", he turned around and I saw his ass buck naked. My eyes would pop out of my sockets until a man behind the cell door yell.

  "Hurry up princess we don't have all day", his foul stench filled the air. I gagged and I heard bones cracking and the next thing I saw was Calvin turned into red flared huge wolf and pounced on the incoming guards. I heard clothes getting torn off and growls. I managed to get the right key and opened the door and ran to the next.

  "Wohoo am free", I mentally laughed as the man jumped out like a child. I managed to open a few more and kept track on how many keys were used.

  "Come on we must get out of here", Calvin grabbed my hand.

  "Michella? "I pulled him back.

  "Forget about her. Do you even know which cell she's in?"

  "Right above mine"I ran.

  "Shit!" I heard him cuss, "We might die here if we wait any longer", he yelled upon the commotion.

  "I made a deal Calvin. She can probably kill me anytime she wants", I remembered the powder I ate.

  "See that's why you can't make a deal with a witch", I shushed him and we ran around to find a staircase at the end of the corridor. The few prisoners which we helped to escape were turning to wolves and throwing lighting bolts at the guards.

Witches? Morris has more than one?

  I run up the staircase and Calvin behind me. We reached up. The corridor looked same. The air was filled with the smell of moss and moisture, rush and soggy wood. There were many scents in the air but I distinctly smelt a very foul smell. The two  guards gained on us. Calvin stepped forward and immediately changed into a wolf and he started charging on torn off their heads. I was terrified at the ruthless attack. Calvin didn't blink once. He was stronger than I thought. I turned to the cells and started searching.

  How would I find her I don't even know how she looks like. I tried to remember how far my cell was in the floor below and ran to the one that might have been just above mine. I wasn't sure. I heard Calvin come and tossing the key bunch. I smelt a strong foul stench.

  I turned the keys in the keyhole. My heart was beating faster now. I felt nervous. I didn't know how much I could trust her. I didn't know her. My hands were shaking. I banged open the cell. The adrenaline was still in my blood because of the chaos. The door opened and my eyes met her cold ones.

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