The Prisoner

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  After Morris left, I laid there crying. I didn't have a clue of what was going one. One moment am turning into a monster with this thing in my hand and then am changing my food preferences. Never before had I relished on human flesh before, that too of a drunk drifter.

  After that his followers came in and tortured me. Whipped,  slapped to get out answers but what could I say. I knew nothing. Morris just watched the whole show without batting an eyelash.  They hung me in the middle of the room. My feet were in the air above the ground with only my wrists supporting my whole body weight. It started to bleed. My whole body ached. Nothing but cries left my mouth.

  "This is surreal", that's all he could say.

  "That thing in our arm is a parasite and it injects a venom that transforms any human into werewolf", he smiled.

  "Werewolf? " all seem gibberish to me.

  "Yes you know who can turn into wolves and yada yada yada", he blabbed.

  "Werewolves eat human?", that was my main concern at that moment.

  "Yes. We feed on them just like the regular wolves", his glare made me to look at the floor.

  "Now my mate is waiting and I have another wolf to party with", they walked out. they left me hung in the middle of the room. My blood trickled from my face.

  "Werewolf", I whispered. That was the monster I have become. But looking at them I felt they were the same. They were powerful,  had strong sense of smell and the growl of the Alpha. I shivered at the thought. He must be the leader because nobody had that kind effect in the room.

  Suddenly I heard cries and howls of that which seemed like a dog but the long howls made me sure it was a wolf. Then I heard footsteps and the cries comming right outside my cell. I couldn't see anything because my cell wasn't a bared one it was shut and concrete from all sides. The cries stopped and the doors of the right adjacent cell opened.  There was a thud. Maybe they threw him. There was a sound of locking and then the footsteps went away.

  The scent covered the air. It felt like roses and first rain. It was so good that I kept sniffing. It was more arousing that the ones who attacked me at the park. The scent reminded me of the rains. Even if I was the only child my parents used to join me in the rain. It was always fun. I used to play around with Zoey all the time in the rain and then get sick. Then my mom used to yell at me cause she got extra work. I sobbed silently at the memories. I can't go back and I knew I couldn't. But I kept sniffing the scent till I heard a chuckle.

  "Smell something you like?" a low voice came from the right, from the other side of wall. I didn't reply. Everything fell silent again.


  I don't know how long was I in here. I could see the day light and I would count my days. Its been always the same thing. When there's a knock they come to thrash you. Its been two days since I got stuck here and I wasn't fed once. From their body language and their eyes something told me I didn't have enough days. So thia was how it was going to end huh?

  Rage was taking over me. But its been long since I turned into the wolf thing and attacked. I didn't have the energy for it. Because of the rage I clenched my fists and thing in my forearm tightened and it ached bad that tears came out.

  That day they made a generous gestured of letting me lay on the ground with shackles still intact on my hands and feet and mounted to the ground instead of me hanging like Spiderman in thin air. Once in a while I felt my head thromb but then I ignored it and it went away. Too many weird things happening to start minding so I left every minor detail cause I didn't have the answer and nobody was telling me. After their daily torture session I felt like they broke my jaw. But surprisingly it was intact and I thought I had a fee broken ribs. Who hits a girl I thought?  But am not human anymore so that just ended the argument.

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