Chapter 13

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HEY MY DUDES!!! Is it bad that I can't stop laughing at this dumb joke? Okay, for my In The Heights lovers, new religion guys. It's called Sonnyism. It's when you believe that Sonny is AWSOME. For the people who haven't heard of In The Heights, stop reading for like two hours and listen to it. Yeah.

The whole table gasps. John's face goes from red to white. Hercules looks at you with an amused expression. "Wow! Why am I not surprised though?" You rub the back of your neck. "I mean, you got the type of spirit. The determined type of spirit. The fighting type. The type of spirit that men like us admire." Hercules Mulligan continued, giving you a wink, which was obviously just to make John mad. Boy, did that work. 

John gives him a terrifying glare. Hercules, puts his hand up. "I'm joking!" He says. "Mon ami, you really do like her, don't you." Lafayette joins in. John slams his head down on the table. "Okay, back to the subject that you were gonna join the Revolution, Y/N." John's voice is muffled by the table. "Y/N, you can't do this." Alex says. "you're the only family that I've got." "I'm sorry, Alex, but his is something that I have to do." Alex looks down, almost mourning a loss that was not yet a reality. This makes you angry. He doesn't think that you're capable of such a task. 

"Hey, Y/N, can I talk to you for a minuet?" John asks, interrupting your angry thoughts. "Yeah, go ahead." You say, forcing your voice to be calm. "Can I talk to you, alone?" He asks, not making eye contact with anyone. "Okay." You say, a little nervously. Hercules smiles, obviously amused and Lafayette elbows Alex, making him pay attention to the two of you.

John puts an arm around you and leads you through the double doors of the bar. It was much warmer than it had been last night. The sun is shining brightly, turning the snow into slush. A floral smell blossoms through the air, and birds sing their different melodies, all harmonizing into one beautiful sound.

"What is it?" You ask. "Is this about me joining the war? Do you think that because I'm a woman that I can't fight." The anger you felt towards Alex is coming back, directed at John now. He looks very surprised for a moment. "Of course not! I believe that all people are equal. No matter if they are a man or woman, black or white, everyone is equal in my eyes." You can't argue with that. He houses slaves for goodness sake.

John looks down "Okay, so, I had a lot of siblings, but most of them didn't survive past their toddlerhood. So I was left with four, Martha, James, Henry Jr., and Mary Eleanor. I went on a trip with one of my brothers, and he died..." He paused for a second, taking a breath, "and I blamed myself for it." You felt a wave of sympathy wash over you, and you place a hand on his shoulder.

"Why are you telling me this, again." You ask in a soft voice, remembering the time at the park. "Well, my point is, I have already lost so many people. I don't want you to be one of them. I can't lose you." You cup his cheek, making him look at you and not the ground. "You're not going to lose me. That's a promise, because even if I die, I will always be with you." You pull him into a hug, laying your head on his shoulder as he wraps his arm around you. You stay like this until you hear a loud crash and Lafayette screaming in French. This startles both of you. 

"We should probably go check on them." You say, laughing a little. You start to walk inside, but John catches you hand. "Wait, now that we're both conscious..." He quickly, but gently presses his lips on yours. "Okay, now lets go see what they're up to." He says, smiling brightly.

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