Chapter 14

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Helloooo my peoples, it's a weekend so I'll be working on this! And again, please please please give suggestions on what I should write. I'll even write a sequel to this story if y'all want me to. 

Also, some chapters now might switch from present to past tense.

Today was the day. The day that you were gonna walk in, and persuade General Washington to let you fight. You hadn't seen the General for about two months now (and that's why you haven't talked to Washington in this story yet), so you were a little nervous. You took a breath before entering the tent, the smell of ink and wood filled the air as you approached George Washington, who was busy scribbling on a paper. 

"Excuse me, General Washington, sir?" You said. The General looked up from his frantic writing and his face immediately brightened. "Y/N!" He rushed over and gave you a hug, which was very unlike Washington, but he viewed you as a daughter, just as you thought if him as a father figure.

"It's so good to see you! Y/N, you need to stop by more often. The office is a very lonely place." He said. "Sir, I promise to stop by more often. I'm very sorry for my long period of absence." You always spoke properly towards Washington. "I haven't been able to contact you ever since my step-mother tried to turn me in to the redcoat. After that, I found that I am the sister of Alexander Hamilton. Do you know him, sir?" You asked politely. 

"Yes, I am, infact, very fond of the young man, and am surprised and delighted to know that the two of you are related." He replied. "But your mother," he said, softening his tone. "What will you do?" "Well, Alex is trying to find a place for me to stay, but so far, we have had no luck." You decided not to mention the part where John had invited you to stay over at his place. "Tell, you what," Washington said, with no hint of his usual properness in his voice, "you can stay in the spare room at my house until you find yourself a home."

"Really!?" You said, very unprofessionally, which earned you a chuckle from the General. "Thank you, so very much, sir! I have just one favor to ask though," General Washington raised his eyebrows, "I was wondering, sir, if I could fight in the war." You ask hopefully. George Washington sighed. "Why am I not surprised? Well, you are that type of woman." He shakes his head. "I'm afraid that I cannot say yes." He said. 

You crossed your arms, not willing to lose your chance this easily. "You never said that you couldn't say no, sir, besides, I can shoot better than most of the men out there, and you know it. The General did know. You had asked once to try shooting during his soldiers practice. You had hit the bullseye on every target. "I'm serious, sir, i cannot just stay here, and let you, my brother, my friends, and all of the soldiers charge into massacre without doing something to help.

Washington sighed in defeat. "Fine, I will let you fight." Then, a smile spread across his face. "You didn't mention that you are more fit than most of my men too." "Well, that kinda just happens when you're me." You replied, with complete humor in your voice. "Thank you, sir. Thank you so much!" The General pats you on the head. "You should probably go tell your brother, and I will have the spare room ready for you tonight." "You are the best, sir." You said and rushed out the door to go tell Alex the good news.


You found Alex in the bar, big shocker, talking excitedly to Lafayette about the upcoming war. John was there too, counting how fast Hercules could drink his beer. "Hey guys." You said, siting in the empty seat next to Alex. "Quoi de neuf, Y/N?" (What's new, Y/N) Lafayette said. This was the first time that he had spoken French directly to you. He was probably drunk like Hercules Mulligan. Fortunately, you knew exactly what he was saying. "Not much," You said, "besides the fact that General Washington is letting me fight." 

With that, Hercules spit out his mouthful of beer. "Thats AWSOME!" He said enthusiastically. "Mon ami, vee all knew zat you could do it." Lafayette said. John gave you a smile. "Congrats Y/N!" He said, this time he was actually happy instead of scared. Alex just staring at his shoes.

"Great job Y/N." He said blankly. "Wow, thanks Alex. Glad to see that you're so happy for me." You roll you eyes. "Why are you so against me fighting. I know that I'm all you got left, but that doesn't mean that you can't let me be myself. I wanna fight for our country as much as you do, so please, just let me do it without your sulking." You said angrily. Alex looked even more fascinated with his shoes.

"Do you even have anything to say?" You ask. "Y/N, calm down." He mumbled. "Calm down? Calm down!? You have to be kidding me right now! A real brother would be happy for me. A real brother would at least support my dreams!" Hot tears of anger were steaming down your face. You walked towards the door. "Oh yeah, and the general said that I could stay at his house. They have an extra room." You expressed no emotion as you spoke. 

"So I don't need your help anymore." With that you walked out.

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