Chapter 25

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Okay guys! Try NOT to say "Awwww" when looking at this picture. Yup, I've never succeeded. 

Also, 2.2K reads! Oh my gosh you guys are the best! We should all do a toast to you guys for being amazing! How about three days after I post this, somewhere around 12:00 pm, we all raise something, like water, lemonade, or anything in your hand, and we all say "Raise a glass to being the best readers ever!"  

Anyways, onto the story!

Laurens stayed by your side night after night, day after day. Just like you had done the seventh week of the war. As days passed, you never seemed to get any better. Actually, you got worse.

The pain in your head got so intense, it even hurt to blink. The doctors did close to nothing. The one thing they did do was tell you your condition, then walk away. As your fever worsened, you tried to convince John to leave. He never did.

"You could get sick too!" You protested.

"I would rather die than leave you alone in this untrustworthy hospital." He replied.

Eventually, the sickness got so bad, that half of the time you didn't know if you were dead or alive. Everything was faint. The world was always spinning. Through the blur, you could see John scribbling a note, then handing it to a nurse passing through.

The nurse nodded, but before she left, she felt your forehead. "Your condition has gotten worse." She said. "You think?!" You wanted to scream in her face, but your throat was swelled. The nurse left without another word.

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Laurens take a seat in the small chair next to your bed. He gently took your hand and pressed it against his lips.

Days passed as you lie in bed, doing nothing but awaiting the day that all this would pass, and the pain would go away. You faintly heard someone kick down the door. You opened your eyes slightly, wincing at the pain. A blurry figure was ordering nurses around. You felt some thing cool being placed on your burning head. The lady made you swallow something disgusting.

The commotion went on for a couple more days. Soon, you could finally see, hear, and talk clearly. You opened your eyes to find Mary next to you on one side, and of course, John on the other. "Y/n!" They both exclaimed, and hugged you gently. 

"Mary, did you save my life, or was it one of the amazing nurses here?" You joked. "Nah, it was me," She said, "but I never would've came if it wasn't for your friend here." She nudged Laurens with her elbow. You ignored the emphasis she put on the word "friend" "Well thank you both so much. It really means a lot to me. By the way, does Alex know what happened?"

"Yes, actually," John said, "he stopped by with the Schuyler sisters, but you were completely out."

"Oh, okay." Was all you said in response. Mary stood up. "Well I better get going." She said. "Write me anytime." With a slight wave, she left.

You hugged Laurens again. "So I'm not gonna die?" You asked. He chuckled slightly. "Nope. You're gonna live."


A couple of days later, you were finally allowed to leave that terrible hospital. Since the Schuyler mansion was currently under intense decorating mode, you finally agreed to stay at John's house. You had been there only one other time in your life. You quickly got settled in the guest room, but spent most of your time there down in the secret room.

Nina, the girl who you had met all those months ago (if you don't remember, go read chapter 8), her parents had recently died of pneumonia. You spent a lot of time with Evan and her, telling them stories about the war. They loved listening to the tales you told. They would always  beg to hear more, and you were happy to give them more.

The winters ball was approaching quickly. You barely had time to think before it was already two days before the event.

"Hey, Y/n!" Laurens said happily. "It's a nice day, so you wanna take a walk in the park?" 

You smiled. "Of course I would!" You said, delighted as he took your hand. Ot was indeed a beautiful day. The wether had finally begun to get colder, but it hadn't snowed in ages. Most trees were still in the process of losing their leaves, so the ground and sky were filled with hues of orange and red, almost as if a sunset was painted carefully on each leaf, but each one, it's own. Special, like a snowflake.

You marveled at the sight. It reminded you of the autumn days with your father. The two of you used to make piles of the freshly fallen leaves, and jump into them. You smiled at the memory.

"I take it that you like the park at this season?" John chuckled. "Yup!" You replied, "It brings back memories."

You walked a little longer, until John came to a slow stop. "What is it, Laurens?" You said, again, using his nickname. "Um, Y/n," He sighed nervously, "I just wanted to ask you, a-and you can say no, I mean, it's totally fine with me-"

"It's okay, just tell me."

He took a breath. "Would you like to go to the winters ball with me?" 

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