16.9K 707 813

You remember the feeling like it was yesterday.

The adrenaline, the trembling, the strange feeling rising in your throat, choking, terrifying, exciting

You miss it. You want to feel it again.


"We're going to the United States."

Class 1-A is in immediate uproar.

"The US? So, like, heroes and burgers and freedom?!" exclaims Ashido, her black sclera widened and yellow irises shrunk.

Yaoyorozu shakes her head, black ponytail swaying. "That's just a stereotype."

"The United States, huh? They have some manly heroes!" Kirishima grins. His sharp teeth glint, and he clenches his fist in excitement.

"Enough," Aizawa grunts, and his students quiet down. "California Institute of Heroics and Academics—CIHA, located in Los Angeles. They're UA's North American partner school, and you'll all be attending as foreign exchange students for a month."

The class gets rowdier, much to Aizawa's annoyance.

"C-C-CIHA? They were known for their high academic achievements and rigorous courses even before quirks were normalized, w-weren't they? And now they're the best heroics school in their nation!" Midoriya mumbles in amazement.

Uraraka smiles at her green-haired friend. "Really? Wow, it sounds so cool! I can't wait!" She grins cheekily, closing her wide brown eyes.

"We must remember that we are Japan's best heroics class and be on our best behavior!" If possible, Iida sits up straighter in his seat, his glasses shining and his arms stiff.

"Yeah, whatever," their homeroom teacher grumbles. "We leave in two days. Get your things ready. Meet at the front of the school by 8AM or we're leaving you behind. Flight is at 10."

His class lets out a chorus of 'yes, sir's before chattering among themselves excitedly. They are so invested in making plans and arrangements for their trip that no one notices the hero's unreadable expression as he recalls Nedzu's words from this morning.

"While the school is cleared, UA will be launching a private investigation on the attack at USJ. The trip should keep the press distracted for a good while, and CIHA has agreed to extend the stay if necessary."

Aizawa sighs, and retreats into his sleeping bag. He tosses and turns, but somehow no position seems comfortable enough. Even though he is enveloped in the familiar warmth, he can't help but feel anxious.


"Foreign exchange students from UA..." You scan the papers handed to you before tapping them against the surface of the mahogany desk, straightening them out.

The girl in front of you nods, closing her electric-blue eyes. You'd always liked them. Her olive skin and long dark hair made them seem even brighter. It matched her Quirk.

"As president of the student council, I am obligated to help them adjust. They will be in an entirely new country that speaks a completely different language." She sighs, opening her eyes, and leans back in her chair. You frown, and put down the papers in an empty corner. "So to answer your question--no, [Name], I am not going to skip my morning classes just to get an egg and cheese wrap from Dunkin' Donuts."

"But they're only $2 if I get two."

"Eat them both."



"You're going to miss your classes to pick up the students anyways."

"So I'll miss them doing something productive."

You pout. "If those UA kids weren't coming would you have gone with me?"


You sigh quietly, before taking a seat in front of her desk. "Then why did you even bring them up, Aki?"

Aki--or, really, Akiko, but Aki is a syllable faster--rests her elbows on her desk. "[Name]. Don't be silly. You know why. The principal has been asking you to welcome the students for two weeks."

To show you off. Neither of you say it out loud. "You speak better Japanese, though. Your mom is Japanese. You were raised speaking it."

Akiko sighs--a long, drawn-out breath that oozes exasperation.

"Yes, [Name]. But I am not the pride and joy of this school--you are. As Atlas."

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