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The next morning you are alone at breakfast, and for that you are grateful.

Today you are only 15 minutes late. Last night your sleep was filled with uneasy thoughts, waking you early with weary eyes that carry dark bags. You had stumbled into your uniform before dragging yourself to the cafeteria and serving yourself breakfast--your dorm mates that cooked today had early classes. Twirling the fork in your hand, you turn on your phone to check the time.

First period started a half-hour ago.

With a sigh, you pick up your dishes and place them in the wooden collection tray. It is Tuesday, which means it is your turn to wash all of them this evening. Tomorrow you are part of the group cooking breakfast, so you will have to get up early.

When you enter the main building you again pass by your first-period class. Taking the steps two at a time, you pause in front of the roof door.

Right as you are about to enter you are suddenly hit with a great idea.

Yesterday had been busy, but you still couldn't believe you forgot. You crack your knuckles in anticipation, already feeling the annoyance rising in your throat. He's probably in his office, you think. I'll just pay him a tiny visit.

Like before, you reach for the space of your destination. Once you have grabbed hold of it, you begin to shape it, bending it completely to your will. Molding the space around you to adjust to your form, you disappear.


The bell signals the end of the Hero Studies class, and its students begin to pack up, preparing to go to their next period.

Midoriya puts away his pencil pouch, and his notebook follows soon after. He waits idly with his friends until all of his UA class is ready to go, so they could go together to the locker rooms. Their next period is 'Physical Training and Development', as it said on their schedules.

The green-haired teen is nervous, and he can tell a good majority of his class is as well. Yesterday they only attended their afternoon classes, as Akiko gave them time to adjust to the time change. Today is the first day of their morning session. First period had gone well, but he cannot help but feel anxious.

The class splits, heading to their respective locker rooms. The girls enter theirs.

When Bakugou (rather roughly) opens the door to the boys', they are greeted with a full class in the middle of changing into their gym uniforms: a plain white T-shirt covered with a gray track jacket and simple black shorts. Most of the wall-length red lockers are open, their owners standing before them getting ready or sitting on the black benches placed in between the rows. All heads swivel to stare and Midoriya promptly shakes nervously in response.

"Problem, extras?" Bakugou snarls in English. He steps forward, face twisted into a scowl as he looks down on the students occupying the room. The boys look at each other, shrugging, until one steps forward.

He speaks in perfect Japanese. "You're Bakugou Katsuki, right? I'm Nakamura Kojii," he grins. His orange-pink hair is tied in a short low ponytail, and his mint-green eyes glitter with impish mirth. On his head are fox ears, nearly a foot tall, and his back a fluffy tail tipped with white. It sways in an almost predatory way. He has paws with fur that matches his hair, and he holds one out to the blond. "Man, so all of that arrogance really wasn't an act. Don't you think you're more suited to becoming a villain with an attitude like that?"

"BASTARD, WHAT WAS THAT?" Bakugou roars, palms alight with small explosions. "YOU WANNA FUCKING GO?"

Kojii giggles and retracts his hand. "Sure. You'll lose though."

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