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You look blankly at the man suspended in the air in front of you. He looks right back at you, body still, mouth open in shock and face slightly blurred by pieces of glass. Your gaze drifts down to the bag slipping off of his right shoulder.

He has strange taste in fashion, you think, eyeing his baby blue shoulder bag decorated with two cute keychains--a small pink macaron and and a white alpaca plush. Ooh. I want the macaron one.

"What the hell?"

You blink, then frown, peering suspiciously at the frozen male before you. You didn't see his mouth move, and he shouldn't be able to anyways. Also, was that Japanese?

"Over here, dumbass."

You lean to your right, brushing aside any suspended pieces of glass in the way, to reveal a fuming blond. Behind him are a group of students clad in the same gray and green uniforms.

You narrow your eyes at the sight of the familiar blazer. UA.

"B-Bakugou, bro, c'mon. Don't be rude."

"What? Not like the bitch can understand me anyways."

You step a bit over to your right because uncomfortably craning your neck just to watch them insult you is basically the embodiment of self-deprecation.


A female uniform shyly approaches you, sleeves raised nervously. "My--my bag--" An arm gestures towards the blue purse floating slightly above the man's shoulder, frozen there when you stopped the man. Oh.

"Is this yours?" you ask in Japanese.

"You speak Japanese?" The floating uniform sounds relieved. You nod, and the girl continues. "That thief stole my bag from me! I'm really thankful that you caught him!" she exclaims happily, moving forward to reclaim her belongings.

"Wait," you warn. She stops in confusion. "Don't come any closer."


You take the bag from the thief's shoulder, the light blue fabric still in the same stiff position it was in when you stopped the male. When you take a step forwards the bag goes limp with a faint shimmer of [f/c].

"My Quirk. You would have gotten caught up in it." Offering no further explanation, you return the bag.


Katie calls to you from inside the store. Being familiar with your Quirk, she stays a good distance away. "I called the police. Keep the guy like that for now. We can't risk him getting hurt by the glass."

"He's a thief," you inform her. "He stole a student's bag." Seeing her nod of acknowledgement, you turn to address the UA students in front of you and revert back to Japanese.

"Sorry, but you're going to have to stay here for a bit. You're all witnesses, so the police are going to need your statements."




When the police arrive, you hand over the criminal and quietly slip away from the scene to make your way back to your dorm in CIHA. You walk alone, enjoying the cool morning air, and try to get the thought of class 1-A out of your mind.

You only realize how tense your hands were when you pull out your card to open the gates.


"What a morning," Uraraka sighs, before collapsing on the sleek white sofa in the lounge. "I can't believe getting robbed was the first thing we did in America!"

"We barely made it back in time," Midoriya agrees. Iida shakes his head with a frown.

"How shameful! UA students should always arrive 15 minutes early!"

Ashido jumps in. "Aw, don't be so uptight, Iida!" she giggles, twirling on the white tile. "I mean, look! We made it to CIHA!"

They almost didn't, though, Midoriya remembers. The police had questioned class 1-A (with the help of a translator--learning a language was much easier than actually speaking it) and it had taken a much longer time than they had thought. Before they knew it, it was almost eight o'clock, and soon twenty heroes-in-training found themselves sprinting back to the airport in an attempt to catch their shuttle on time. Aizawa was not pleased.

Speaking of their homeroom teacher. Midoriya glances at him in the corner, talking to a young girl who was about his student's age. She had been waiting for them on the shuttle provided for UA, and introduced herself as Adlao Akiko--call me Akiko, we go by first names here, after all--CIHA's student council president. Akiko was serious and just a tad bit snarky, getting annoyed by Bakugou's lack of an indoor voice almost immediately.

Even so, she was dedicated to her job, and led the class around campus before bringing them to their dorms. CIHA student volunteers had taken their luggage and were finishing any last-minute arrangements as the first-years lazed around in the lounge on the bottom floor. Midoriya, Uraraka, Iida, Asui, Todoroki, and now Ashido sat together, chatting (well, more like the five were talking while Todoroki just listened and pitched in occasionally), until Akiko turns to address them.

"Your rooms should be ready by now. You all remember where they are, yes?" She receives a chorus of affirmations in response, and nods her head in satisfaction. "Good. You're free to go then. Remember, the cafeteria is open until seven. You're welcome to stay in the lounge at any time, until your curfew: nine o'clock. Enjoy your stay."

Class 1-A immediately crowds the two available elevators, which are surprisingly large enough to hold half the class in each. Though, on second thought, it actually isn't too surprising, seeing as the famous heroics school was large and wealthy enough to provide separate rooms for each UA student, even offering 1-A a mostly empty floor in their most popular dorm building.

Mostly meaning there were only two other residents on that floor, one being Akiko, who had moved in a week prior. And the other?

You groan when you hear muffled voices through your walls and feel their stomping on the floor. You bury your head in your pillow, trying to continue your nap, but it does little to stop the familiar Japanese from seeping into your room.

"Wow~ CIHA really is rich, huh?"

"The rooms are so nice!"

"Ah. . .Kacchan, it looks like our rooms are next to each other, ha--"

"Piss off, Deku."


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