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Bored, the young brunette scratches at her fingernails. She watches as the chips of maroon nail polish float down onto the counter, and groans lightly. This morning was slow--it was rather early, around 6AM, but the small donut shop was located nearby an airport, so usually it was busier.

She almost leaps in joy when she hears the door opening and feels the draft of the early morning air. She faces the all-glass front of the shop and, upon seeing the customer, grins widely, pale green eyes crinkling at the corners.


You blink at the happy girl, your eyes softening at the sight of your friend. "Hey, Katie. Slow morning?"

Katie throws her head back dramatically. "Ugh, don't even mention it. I've been here since 5 o'clock, and not a single person has stepped through those pretty glass doors." She eyes you and your company, which was, namely, none. "Aki said no?"

You scuff the floor childishly. "She was on her way to the airport anyways, so I don't know why."

"Aw. But you're here and I'm not lonely anymore, so as long as I'm satisfied nothing else matters," Katie giggles, and sends you a playful wink. She whisks out her phone and waves it, the bright screen displaying the texts you had been exchanging last night. "Hey, tell me about these UA transfers you were messaging me about before. Aren't you excited?"

As she is chatting with you, she gets up and grabs a pair of gloves. Pulling them on, she walks to the display case filled with a colorful array of donuts and takes two strawberry-frosted ones. "Here, employee's discount."

"I don't work here anymore," you say, but accept the treat anyways. Leaning on the counter, you finish your bite of fried dough before responding. "And I dunno. What's there to get excited about?"

Katie almost chokes on her mouthful of the sugary treat. "Are you serious? [Name], you were basically hyperventilating when you were watching their Sports Festival."

You take another bite.

"Mm," you agree. "Yeah. I remember."

"That's why you enrolled in CIHA, right?" Katie tries. "You even got a full scholarship. That's amazing, you know? And now you have the chance to actually meet those UA kids, the ones who pushed you to go further with yourself."

She's right. You furrow your brow. Because of them, you. . .

"I guess."

Your friend frowns. "What--" she breaks off suddenly, removing her elbows from the counter and standing up straight. Her eyes narrow, and her posture loosens, ready to act.


"Is there some kind of event scheduled on this street today?"

"Uh, no. I don't think so," you respond, tilting your head to the left. "Why? Do you feel something?"

"Yeah. I hear footsteps. A lot of them. They're fast; why are they running?"

That was Katie's Quirk--the ability to feel vibrations, which in turn allowed her to hear them. If she concentrated hard enough, she could even listen to a strand of hair blowing in the wind.

Putting down your half-eaten donut, you walk briskly towards the glass doors. "I'll find out. Stay here."

As you get closer to the front, you look to your right. You grip the handle of the door and begin to push it outward. Seeing nothing out of the ordinary, but hearing the slamming of feet on concrete, you look in the other direction and see a man sprinting quickly towards you. Behind him is a group of angry teenagers, but that isn't your main concern, because when you see the man on your left your eyes widen in realization:

The door swings open to the left.


"Whew~! Can you believe it's late night in Japan but early morning here?"

Kaminari cheers. The short grape-haired boy next to him quivers in excitement.

"We're here! California! With Hollywood and beaches and hot babes at beaches--"

Mineta is promptly ignored.

"Sensei! It is currently 6:22AM! Our shuttle arrives at 8, does it not?" Iida says. Upon receiving a grunt of acknowledgement, he continues. "What do you propose we do in the meantime?"

Clad in his yellow sleeping bag, the only adult of the group grumbled. "I don't care," Aizawa mumbles out. "Just make sure you all stay together. Come back here by 7:45." With that, the pro-hero wandered off--probably to find a place quiet and empty enough to sleep, his class sighs in unison.

The future heroes look at each other in silence. After a moment, Uraraka pipes up.

"W-well, how about we walk around and maybe find a cafe to rest at?" she offers shyly.

If anyone had a better idea, they didn't say so. The first-years left the airport, chatting eagerly to with one another.

The last thing they expected was for poor Hagakure's bag to get snatched.

She squeals in surprise, but Bakugou does most of the reacting for her.


"A-ah! Kacchan, he probably doesn't know Japanese! And no Quirks...!"

The explosive blond growls and lowers his hands before taking off after the thief.


"Why does he know how to say that in English..."

The class has no choice but to join the chase.


The man rams full-speed into the door.

You watch, in mild surprise, as the glass cracks under the force of his body. The white lines spread, crawling slowly, until they reach the edges of the fragile surface. It shatters.

Time stops. But it is okay. Because you are in control.

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