why spatial manipulation?

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Actually, space manipulation, I think, does not accurately describe reader's Quirk, but I could not think of a better way to word it. Space 'manipulation' suggests that the user only wields influence over the existing space. While that is true, reader can also do much more--if I had to describe it, it's more like spatial control, creation, and destruction. (sorry for saying all this so late; I actually planned to have this whole explanation in a conversation in the fic, but this actually makes things easier)

Space and time are one-dimensional and exist in one continuum. Meaning, while they seem like two separate things, ultimately they are the same and cannot be manipulated without affecting the other. For example: if you were to freeze time, you are freezing the space as well--which means those who can manipulate time also can manipulate space. Those who could manipulate time theoretically could remove chunks of time from the world as well, which means taking out the space in which that time existed. Of course, the reverse is also true--if you can control space, you can manipulate the time that flows in it because that time is part of space, and space control means you can manipulate all elements of space (which is why I prefer the word control over manipulation). For example, in the earlier chapters, reader freezes the thief. By separating the bit of space the thief was in, reader was able to alter the time in that specific area without affecting the rest of the world, and froze it.

As to why I didn't choose to say space-time manipulation: while they are all part of the same dimension, spatial manipulation, space-time manipulation, and time-manipulation, they are still different. I think spatial manipulation has a bit more wiggle room in terms of capability and creative liberty on my part. My personal belief and interpretation is that you cannot stop time in one specific area without stopping time in the rest of the world, because in this plane of existence at least time flows the same for all of us because we are all part of one space. However, if you were to separate a bit of space from another then you could fool around with its time as well as many other factors.

Space-time manipulation is a bit broader in that you have both powers and you manipulate the space-time continuum itself, meaning our very existences and dimensions. I don't personally see in this story's future why reader would feel the need to erase someone's existence or traverse between dimensions. While that is an extraordinary ability I believe that is a bit too powerful. If you could manipulate people's very existences and the dimensions they live in, that would make you something akin to a god--and gods have no use for things like attachments and emotions. Their way of thinking is entirely different, and not only can I not write that because I've never known or could possibly guess how it would feel, but also because reader's attachments to certain people and of course romance are a very integral part of the story and those kinds of abilities would affect their behavior drastically, preventing them from forming any human relationships.

So really, it all comes down to the psychological issues that could cause and the fact that I can't afford that, because of relationships being a large part of this fic. I can't say I did not consider it in the beginning, because I most definitely did, but after thinking about it for a bit I came to this conclusion and chose spatial manipulation. Sorry for the superrrrrr long explanation--I just really really love this kinda stuff, you know, and I get a bit overexcited! I had a lot of fun talking about it. I just love discussions--it's a strange quirk (haha) of mine. (or maybe it's because of my subtle wish to seem knowledgeable but ehhhhh)

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