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The rest of the day passes.

"I saw you on the news," says Aki.

You are hanging around in the student council room, lounging on one of their stylish orange sofas. You lie down, your phone in your hands. You are texting Katie.

"That's funny," you reply. "Katie said the same thing."

"Your popularity is growing unnaturally fast," your blue-eyed friend comments. She brushes back a strand of ink black hair. "How are you holding up?"

You pause in your typing to look at Aki. She is watching you, gaze piercing. You click your phone off.

"I'm fine," you tell her breezily. "How are you holding up?"

She knows you are changing the subject, but she lets you. "Just a bit more work than usual. Everyone wants to start new clubs for some reason."

"Maybe because CIHA has basically none," you snort derisively. "Everyone's too focused on their hero studies."

Aki's face is passive, but her eyes glint with amusement. It was hard to talk to her in the beginning, you remember, but after about a week you began to understand her subtle body language. You are still learning.

"Everyone except you, it seems," she teases. You blink.

Any other day you would have played along. Any other day you would have cracked a joke right back, and if you were lucky, you would be rewarded with a rare laugh. Any other day. But today is not any other day.

You smile wistfully.

"And that's the problem, isn't it?"


"Everyone here is really nice and helpful! Someone even came up and told me I was great in the Sport Festival while we were at the library!" Ashido pumps her fist in the air.

"Glad to hear it," the student president says.

Akiko had gone to find each UA class to talk to them about their experience so far. She had found 1-A last, sitting and chatting in the lounge of their dorm building.

She continues her questioning. "Have you had any trouble with anything so far? Hard time adjusting? Maybe certain people have been giving you trouble?"

A certain spiky-haired blond, who had been sitting a bit away from his classmates, perks up. Bakugou huffs.

"People? Yeah. Tell that space-case to get off their fucking high horse."

"Space-case?" The tall girl faces him and furrows her brow in confusion. "Space. . .do you mean [Name]?"

"Who else? Bitch needs to get their shit together," he snaps. "What the fuck is their problem?"

A sudden earsplitting crash sounds, interrupting the blond. The entire class jumps.


The group turns to the doors, which had been burst open by a pair of very familiar siblings. Akiko sighs.

"Kimiko, Kojii. Don't damage school property."

"I'd tear down the entire school if someone was insulting my friend." Kojii puts his paws on his hips. Kimiko nods aggressively in agreement.

"Yeah! [Name]'s our friend! And like Kojii told me before we kicked down the door we totally didn't eavesdrop on anyone just in case they're talking crap about [Name]!" She pumps her fist in the air.

There is a pause. Kojii buries his face in an orange-pink paw.

"Well, I think they're right!" Hagakure jumps to your defense as well. "[L/Name] is nice! They brought me food! Remember?"

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