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UA arrived on Sunday. Today is Monday; your first class starts at seven. You wake up an hour after.

Stretching, you sit idly on your bed before moving to get up. CIHA is a private school and does require a uniform--which actually makes things easier for you, because you don't have to spend money on extra clothes. You rub your eyes wearily and slide open the mirrored closet door after a quick fresh-up in the bathroom.

Pushing aside the street wear swaying on its hanger, you remove your uniform shirt and bottom from theirs. You yawn and shrug on the white collared top, button it up, then put on the maroon tie and dark gray bottom. Checking the forecast, you opt out of the matching blazer, draping it over your left arm and grabbing your almost-empty bag.

Strangely, even with the absence of your daily nap yesterday, you are in a neutral mood--which is really the happiest you could get at this point. Exiting the elevator, you slip your earbuds in before making your way to the cafeteria. You always made sure to get there an hour late to avoid the lines for breakfast, as your building was the largest and most popular.

But today not only were you trying to avoid the crowd, but a certain heroics class as well. Unconsciously, your grip on your blazer tightens and your breath hitches. Having them as exchange students was okay in your opinion, them staying in your building was just unlucky but living together on the same floor was too much of a coincidence; you know it was planned and you are definitely going to have a tiny talk with that infuriating principal. Though it seemed that even your luck was out to get you, making it so you had that small, inconvenient run-in with the first-years yesterday. You plan to never let it happen again.

After taking a moment to read over the breakfast menu posted on the wooden double doors, you slip through the entrance, lightly tapping your fingers to your music.

But as soon as you look up whatever content mood you had woken up in is completely evaporated.

"Good morning, [Name]. Late as always." Aki greets you in Japanese, throwing in a light scolding, but it is ignored in favor of staring blankly at the array of UA uniforms behind her. They stare curiously back, some lighting up in recognition.

"Oh...! You're--!" The floating uniform from yesterday approaches you. "Akiko was just telling us about the other student who stayed on our floor, but I never would have guessed it was you! You're [L/Name][Name], right?"

Why aren't they in class? As far as you were aware the students had full schedules--which meant that they were supposed to be on campus, attending their morning sessions. Internally, you are screaming, your plans to evade any contact with the future heroes shattered, and you are scrambling to pick up the pieces. Instead of responding to the expectant girl in front of you, you only stare, thoughts swirling and wondering at how bad your luck could possibly be.

She breaks you out of your stupor. "W-well, it's nice to meet you! I'm--!"

"Hagakure Tooru," you say, voice surprisingly smooth. Your mind had gone blank, and you blurted out the first thing that came to mind--albeit in a calm, composed tone. "UA first-year, class 1-A. Your Quirk: invisibility. I know who all of you are."

You look past the girl--which wasn't hard, seeing as she was basically transparent--and examine the students behind her. All twenty students of UA's first-year A-class, joined by Akiko, are standing together, clumped into their separate friend groups.

You close your eyes, reciting their names by memory.

Aoyama Yuga. Ashido Mina. Asui Tsuyu. Bakugou Katsuki. Hagakure Tooru. Iida Tenya. Jirou Kyouka. Kaminari Denki. Kirishima Eijirou. Kouda Kouji. Midoriya Izuku. Mineta Minoru. Ojiro Mashirao. Satou Rikidou. Sero Hanta. Shouji Mezou. Todoroki Shouto. Tokoyami Fumikage. Uraraka Ochako. Yaoyorozu Momo. You knew them all, by seat number, by rankings, in alphabetical order, you name it.

"Right. [Name] saw you all in the Sports Festival and did their research. On their school application, they wrote that your performances were what inspired them to become a hero." Akiko gives a rare, brief smile. "You all did wonderful, by the way."

Aoyama grins. Bristling in pride, he responds. "Why, of course we did. I, especially--"

"Ooh! You saw the Sports Festival?" Ashido bubbles in excitement. She cheers. "Wow! We have a fan!"

At this, Akiko jolts slightly in surprise. The student president ponders for a bit.

"A fan," she repeats slowly, brows knitting. "I. . . suppose." She shoots you a glance, and the class quiets down and follows her lead. For a moment, it is silent.

Feeling everyone's gaze on you, you feel a small twinge of annoyance, but push it down. "I do remember writing that," you murmur. Because it was true. At the time. You grunt lazily, ignoring your own thoughts, and sigh. You suddenly feel very drained. "But now. . . if I were to be honest. . ."

You look over the students again, running a calculating gaze over each one, eyes flashing. You linger on a head of green, and another of red and white--

". . .I have to say, I rather dislike you all."

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