Our Not So Master Plan

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"So, what's the plan again?" Dylan asks, looking down a hill at the school below.

Even more guards have shown up since we left. The principal HAS to be the final boss.

"We all walk in the front door like nothing happened yesterday. Then we do something to be sent to the principal's office. But nothing huge. . ."

"A goody two shoes in real life, a goody two shoes in a video game," Dylan states rolling his eyes.

Adanya ignores him.

"And if that fails, we always have plan B."

"But let's not talk about plan B," I say, remembering the risk associated with it.

"Right. Any more questions?"

Both Dylan and I shake our heads no.

"Great. Let's get started."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2018 ⏰

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