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September 23 💫
Ryan 🌙

Today's my birthday & it already started out great. Dad didn't hit me, only scolded me. I'm really glad he remembered my birthday, even said he's glad I was born, that he didn't know how he'd live without me paying the rent.

As if things couldn't get better, mom texted me happy birthday, & that she was sorry we couldn't do anything for it. Also she asked for 80 bucks, which I gave her because she's the best.

I never thought my parents cared about me so much. I know they never mean to hit me, but I still didn't know they loved me.


Today I'm getting transferred to a seniors history class, since I was 'too smart' for my grades history. I never really thought about seniors & I don't know any to begin with. Although I feel like I do for some reason.

I finally make it to the classroom & make my way to the back. On my way, I see a pair of ocean-like blue eyes that look all too familiar & I'm hit with a million memories I forgot all about. Those eyes belong to my old best friend, Dallon Weekes.

Sitting in an empty seat, I can't get Dallon out of my head. I can't believe I forgot about my middle school friend. The only friend I ever had in fact. Oh jeez, I sound terrible.

Brushing these thoughts away, I pay attention to the teacher & inaudibly groan when I hear him say the words 'partner project.'

He explains that the project is simple. For the project, we must choose a partner & we have a week to decide what to write about, involving the 70's. It can be anything from major political events to pop culture.

It sounds easy enough to me, that isn't the problem. The problem is, I don't have friends.

"You have the rest of class to choose your partner & decide what to do. Go." He says, & everyone stands up, going to their friends.

One doesn't move, Dallon Weekes.

Biting my lip, I stand up with my backpack & head to his seat, shaking with anxiety. He turns to face me & I'm met with his baggy, tired blue orbs. Dallon smiles kindly- & awkwardly- at me.

"H-hey I know we haven't, um, talked in a while. But I don't know anyone so... could you be my partner?" I ask, tripping over my words pathetically.

He nods & I sit with him. "It's been a very long time Ryan. Happy birthday by the way."

Something about him telling me happy birthday was better than any nice thing someone's said about me.

It's strangely addictive.

Die a lonely guy ♡ WeekmanWhere stories live. Discover now