Chapter Five: Girl Talks

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.:: Y/n's POV ::.

"Good Morning Y/n/n" Addison chirpped as she goes to our bathroom. "Good morning too Addi" I greeted as well

"By the way, here's the uniform" She popped her head out the door, "Oh okay. That's the cheer uniform right?" I replied brushing my hair. I woke up like Medusa

"Yup" She happily replies. "I take the tub this time Y/n/n" She says, "Yeah sure" I replied

"I need to take talk Bucky" I muttered to myself. "Sis, did you say something?" She said

"Oh it's nothing!" I replied. I took my towel and my uniform, I entered the bathroom and went to take a shower while Addison was taking a bubble bath

I finished taking a fresh shower and got dressed. "Y/n! Breakfast's ready hurry!" Addison yelled

"Okay okay! I gotta do my hair!" I replied. I fixed my hair and it blends nicely with my pink uniform, my hair is colored h/c so it blends perfect!

I took my bag and went downstairs where mom, dad, Addison and the pets were

"Bark!" Zeddie barked and went running to me, "You look pretty Y/n!" I realize that it was Bree!

"Addison told me to come here" she smiled. "Because she ha-" Addison's sends a quick glare at Bree and I just shrugged it off

"Because I wanted us to go to school together" Addison sweats. "Okay" I said, "Here's your juice and sandwich dear"

We started to talk and 5 minutes passed, it was 6:55AM. Still pretty early, first class starts at 7:30AM

Someone knocked on our door, "Dear can you open the door?" Mom asked while flipping her perfect pancakes

"Okay." I nodded and opened the door, "Hey girl!" Mary Jane greeted as she hugs me like she hasn't saw me yesterday.. Friendship is one of the weirdest thing sometimes. I chuckled and replied "Hey!"

"Oh hello Mary Jane!" Mom smiled, "Bark!" Zeddie came running towards Mary Jane and she startled and fell backwards.

We started to laugh at her after laughing I helped her up, "Don't you dare tell Bucy that happened, I'll kill you all" She sent Bree, Addison and me a death glare

"Hai! (1)" I replied scared

Addison went black and went pale,
Bree had her eyes widened obviously scared. By the way mom didn't see the death glare from MJ or else she would have thrown the pan at MJ's face

She smiled and skipped towards Bree and Addison, I followed her and sat at the stool. "So Mrs. Smith (2) I didn't know you like rabbits, cats and dogs." Mary Jane asked

"Oh yes. Y/n got her love for cats and dogs since they're adorable she said and Addison just loves rabbits..maybe because Bucky gave her one when they were younger" Mom said and served the four of us pancakes

"Chocolate syrup, Vanilla syrup, Maple syrup, Honey or Strawberry syrup?" Mom asked

"Choco" I replied

"Maple please" Bree replied

"Strawberry" Addison replied

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