Chapter Sixteen: The Search

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This is earlier before anyone even came.
Warning: cursing, either one or two

Y/n's POV

I'm so worried of Lynne, there hasn't been any update about her. . . this is all my fault! Why did I have to kiss him?! Ughhh!

"Zed, this is all my fault" I said

"No it isn't. She just misunderstood because you kissed him, I promise I'll fix this, maybe him and Tom are already making out" he lighten up the mood

"Eww! No!" I screeched as I playfully push him away

"Haha!" We burst into laughing at each other, Mary Jane came out of another room  with an angry and worried expression on her face

"Please Zed! I need to call his older brother!" MJ pleads at Zed

"Well don't tell me I didn't warn you, she's smart but here" he reaches his phone, MJ takes it scrolls and dials

"Hello? Mitchell here, Zed what's wrong?" He asks, assuming Mitchell

"This is Lynne's friends, I think she went missing. Could you come to Seabrook? Like right now." She replies

"What?! We'll right be over! Thank you Lynne's friend, God that girl is gonna get it!" He hungs up

"That was rude of him" I mumbled making Zed laugh a bit

"Are you okay Mary Jane?" I ask, she's gone frozen

"O-M-G! Mitchell just called me Lynne's friend! Gahh! Tell me wasn't his voice so dreamy!" She squeals and shakes me

"Leave the gal alone, right Y/n?" Zed says

"Please, leave me out of your girly zones, MJ. We're looking for Lynne focus" I said

"Still, I get to hear his dreamy dreamy voice" she says as she stops shaking me

"I'll leave you two alone for a second. Bonzo said he made some progress" He says and I nod as he leaves as we go to the van driving West

MJ looks at me worriedly

"Bucky will never give up, Ross and him argued in front of me and Bucky walked out. I assume he made you choose, ZOMS or POMS, am I right?" She asks

"Yeah. . . after the search. . . I have to avoid Zed and the others" I reply feeling I want to cry

"I thought you liked Zed?" She asks

"Yeah, but Addison means so much to me. Exposing her secret and mine will be chaos, and I don't know I have the guts to let mom and dad down" I reply

"Seems Bree, Lynne, Addisom, you and I are in the same page. Bucky won't give up" she sighs sadly

"What have I done. . ? At first I almost lost our bestest friend Lynne, then Bucky makes everything worst" I say

"Oh sweetie, nothing is your fault. It was a misunderstanding and Bucky is just. . . well being Bucky" she smiles, I return it with a smile

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